[Daoi Gladecu] *She had left him a message on his phone. She didn't like leaving crap up on the cork bord at the BroHo as if it were everyones and their tribe's buisness what her name was. She limped through the down stairs and finaly dragged herself up the stairs. Her hips were a bit more stiff then normal. The damn weather changeing like no ones buisness, and excellerated activity as of late. She needed to install another elevator in her home. She sighed with relife as she got to the top of the stairs. She messured the distance across the common room to that 'door' the evil 'door'. Well Mr. Lukas wasn't that evil. He was just shadow lord. She started limping that way finally.
She didn't have any notes with her, no computer, nothing that would give it away that she had buisness with the 'tribal elder'. She hated question as much as she hated people stairing. She leaned on the gold head of her cane as she raised her hand to knock. Her knuckls raped firm. Her hair was brushed...the first time in a few days. She smelled clean, and she wore jeans and a dress shirt. A black pea coat over it*
[Wyrmbreaker] The message on the phone explains why he's here. Wyrmbreaker rarely sleeps at the Brotherhood now. He conducts business here. He meets with Ahrouns and Shadow Lords here; he occasionally comes to take advantage of the Brotherhood's rich spirit life in his talen-making.
Tonight, when Daoi knocks, he's sitting crosslegged in the middle of the floor. He has about a dozen tiny gourds laid on the hardwood in front of him -- little dried things with seeds still rattling inside, purchased from some crafts store or other. "Door's not locked," he calls, "come in."
And when the rather dour kin does, he looks up. He has a small chiseling knife in one hand, with which he scribes rows and rows of tiny glyphs onto the gourds. There's also a small inkwell nearby, and a brush, and a buffing-cloth.
To his left are bare, unpainted gourds. To his right are finished ones, the chiseled glyphs darkened where ink has soaked into exposed plant fibers, the overflow on the rind around the glyphs buffed carefully off.
"I got your message," he says to Daoi. "Have a seat. What's on your mind?"
[Daoi Gladecu] *She comes in at his invitation and closes the door behind her. Her eyes sweep over the gords infront of him. There is a spark of curiosity there but she lets well enought alone. She moves over to a chair and carefully sits in it so she's faceing him, she tries to keep the fact his very rage was running up her spine and making the hair stand up on her neck. She blinked a moment as he asked her what was on her mind*
I have a few things that are on my mind. One of them of course is I wish to fill you in on the kinfolk meeting...and the real question I have in my head, and I hope you can shed some light on it...is there something in that water here? Half the kinfolk are batshit nuts...and not in the good way. What has happend to have so many think so poorly of the Trueborns?
*Her good brow rose as she spoke, it was mild disbelife on her face at the idocy of the assembled kinfolk it seemed. She didn't dislike garou. Their rage just made her uneasy which was understandable. Her other brow was held down a bit further because of the scaring that made the lid under it droop*
[Wyrmbreaker] Daoi takes her seat, and Lukas gets back to work. The overhead light is on, filling the room with plenty of ambient light. It's not hard for him to see what he's doing, though it's still a tedious, delicate chore.
Little scrapings come off the gourd as he goes, flaking to the floor. He laughs quietly, shaking his head. "Maybe the same thing that makes all the kin lovely and wellbred," he quips. "But in all seriousness: it wasn't always like this. It wasn't like this even a month ago. I'm not sure what happened, but I'd like it to stop. We're all on the same team."
[Daoi Gladecu] Agreed. You and I are on the same page. But some blaime the true borns for the rain or a stubbed toe. You've become evil spirits to some.
*She sighs and gives a slightly disapproving look.*
I was hopeing you would have some answers so I knew which skulls to beat together and how.
*She flapps her hand dismissivly letting it drop*
One person at a time. The kinfolk meeting was very informitive, at least to understand the temprature of the kinfolk in the city currently. There were three of us at least that supported the true borns, I, a child of gaia, and I belive a silver fang. One a glasswalker I belive, was on the fence. The others...Amunet included seem very aginst any meddling by the true borns when it came to protecting agreed upon ground, such as...
*Her hand encompased the bar*
The vocal ...I'm going to call them minority for now... belive we should be directly invovled in any security disions that includ kinfolk in a garou lived in space. There is one thing all the kinfolk have agreed upon, and that is the need for us to gather and protect each other. Unfortunitly Amunet and Carter leaned heavly into the more matial things rather then the more ceribral. They are going to be sorely out balanced.
[Wyrmbreaker] "That," Wyrmbreaker says wryly, "would explain the rather upset-sounding voicemail I got from Amunet the other day regarding Brotherhood defenses.
"There won't be a separate 'security council' for the Garou and the kin. Not on my watch. There's one warleader in this Sept, just as there's one Warder, one Grand Elder. If some kin wants to step up as a lieutenant, I'll certainly take that into consideration. But I won't have a complete separation between Garou and kin. That leads to separate armies, which leads to Garou and kin not watching out for each other's welfare as they should. And with the likes of Carter fanning the flames, that'll eventually lead to some sort of ridiculous war where we slaughter each other and the Wyrm laughs.
"As for kin input into Brotherhood defenses -- I've told Amunet to contact Adara and Adamidas. Do you know what exactly Amunet's concerns are?"
[Daoi Gladecu] *she considers Lukas' question for a moment. Her lips push as she looks for the correct works*
Other then she's bat shit nuts and seems to only want to stir up trouble? It sounds as if she wants to control the situation when it comes to the defenses. One of the things I did agree upon the instuctions prestented made little sence, and honestly should have been written in crayon. But the thought behind it was well meaning. What would be best is to have a kinfolk that accually lives here to sit down with Adara and Adamida and think up of a plan together. There is one thing for sure and that's the kinfolk want to fight as well and protect their home. We don't want to be herded around like cattle for some big ass dragon to swoop down upon and be dragged away.
I'm going to make a recomendation, and forgive me if I step out of line. We need a den mother or father.
*She levels her gaze at Lukas*
If only to slap some sense into the kinfolk that want to make an army. I belive like you that's counter productive. If we, kinfolk, were in a place with little to no garou presense. Then I could understand a mobalization, but as we have garou here, we need to work closely with them. It's one of the reasons I recomended a spirit at my place. To have one of the garou there more then needed could pull you way from your duty in another area of the city or sept.
[Wyrmbreaker] "Amunet's been through a lot lately. Love and heartbreak. She hasn't been entirely stable. I'm not sure what Carter's damage is. Nor am I sure exactly what it is they want -- if they want anything at all. Maybe you're right, and they're just trying to stir up trouble.
"As for kin contributions to the war -- if they really want to contribute -- it's not entirely counterproductive to have a kin army. There are light jobs a kin might handle better than a Garou. You have the benefit of a certain degree of anonymity. No rage to give you away. But your main strengths lie in the mortal world, which a Garou of any appreciable Rage can barely access at all, and I'd suggest that only kin that were utterly useless otherwise take up martial pursuits as their primary focus."
He sets down the chiseling knife, picking up the brush instead.
"Regarding your suggestion: den mothers and fathers are typically elderly Garou who watch and teach the cubs in a large, established Sept. Our Sept is too young to have elderly Garou, and I doubt the more radical kin would want to have a Garou watching over their every move. What the kin need is a levelheaded, trustworthy leader with a reputation amongst both the kin and the Garou.
"Imogen Slaughter would be the obvious choice. She's been here longer than any of us. She doesn't seem particularly interested in the job, though, or she would have taken it long ago. Amunet and Carter -- I'm sure either of them would love the job, but the Garou wouldn't stand for an unstable woman or a rabid racist leading their kin.
"I think sooner or later I'm going to need to attend one of these meetings. Possibly with Simon, my lieutenant, some of the other Auspice and Tribe Elders, or perhaps even the Grand Elder. Do you know when the next one will be?"
[Daoi Gladecu] *she nods*
Carter's damage is his mother was true born and beat the shit out of him. He's very bitter about it. Adara and I have been trying to move him in the right directions. He at least has been taking up to hidding in the lab when Eyes-of-the-Crow-rhya comes over to talk.
*she agrees agian listening and watching him*
Honestly the fewer we have of the martial persutes the best. It will keep eyes away from looking for kinfolk. Kin with no breeding are usally the best for small hit and runs. Make them harder to identify and can be writen off as terriorist cells and nothing of supernatural means, speically if they make a...bigger then normal hit. Also makes them harder to track if something can smell the breeding.
*she rubs her chin and shifts her weight in her seat trying to ease some of the tension in her mucles*
I don't know when the next meeting will be. But I do know Carter is already training some kinfolk. Honestly the way it is right now, I belive any of us can call for another one at any time. I'll give it another two weeks. If nothing shows up, I can call for one and inform you of the when and wheres.
[Wyrmbreaker] His mother beat him. There's a brief, hard flex of Lukas's jaw; a spike in his rage. His hands remain steady on the gourd, though -- the brush moving slowly and methodically, covering the inscriptions in ink. A moment later, the rage relents.
"Please do," Lukas replies. "And let them know a few ranking Garou of the Sept may be attending so the jumpier ones don't feel betrayed or duped."
[Daoi Gladecu] *That was her dismissal. Carefully she stands up leaning heavily on her Cane. She twiches a brow. He had a very good feeling the Doc was going to trick the kinfolk. He had been right about giving her that last order*
If it pleases you. Fewer will show if that's the case. I know Carter will avoid it completely if he can. He doesn't enjoy making an ass of himself, but he cannot help it.
*She nods her head in that simple excuse*
I'll let you get back to your work. Thank you for taking the time to listen. A meeting with you and yours in it should be...enlightening.
*She chuckles. It could go one or two ways, either no one would make a peep and would be really minimal in their discussions or they would show up in hopes to bitch out some garou. Intresteing in deed. She makes her way to the door and heads out unless stopped*
[Wyrmbreaker] Lukas shrugs his shoulders faintly. "So long as he doesn't attempt to sabotage or undermine this Sept in the name of kin liberation or something equally ridiculous, I don't care if Carter shows or not. It's his choice. If he doesn't want to participate in his own people's war, I'm not going to waste the energy chasing after him. It's not worth my time.
"Thanks for keeping me informed, Dr. Gladecu." She's rising to go, and Lukas is setting his gourd aside to stand with enviable ease. "Maybe next time we can meet somewhere more convenient for you."
[Daoi Gladecu] It matters little...
*She waves him off with a hand. But there is a look of appiation for his consideration*
I do my duty when and where it's best and most helpful. Doesn't matter if I have to climb a thousand stairs to get information to you. I will be done.
*She wanders out*
10 years ago