[August Grant] "Feel free to set it there.. and.. mm.. I'm not Joey." She shook her head slightly and shifted her gaze over to the man beside her. Why did he think she looked like someone named Joey? It was an odd thing to just be assumed to be someone else.
And then she just looked a little confused for a moment, unable to speak. Was he.. who she thought he might be? The cute little accent, the charming looks.. No, it couldn't be.
As August had turned to look at him, the fading black eye became visable.. as well as a belly bump which looked suspiciously like she was pregnant. But, maybe she was just fat?
[Paul Kellogg] His nose didn't lie. Orange blossom! Mixed heedly with that soft natural scent forever burned in his memory. He nearly went stiff from it's pervasiveness. Like a drug, it drew him closer. The pedigree was screaming to his wolf; long in slumbering. Too long.
It too rose it's head. Looking out from behind those pal blue orbs. She'd gain weight as well it seemed as height, but not much. She had matured from whence he last saw her if this truly be she before him.
Leaning, unbeknownst to himself, halfway over the empty stool between them. His pack forgotten, dropped even after slipping from his fingers. Smacking upon the floor. Head cocking wolfishly as his eyes blinked. No surely not! "August?" Ok now this was definately a trick. First Joey..now...this? Oh the horror. Just shoot me!
[August Grant] The young woman slid from the stool, feet silently landing on the floor between her seat, and the empty seat that still rests between them. "Yeah." It was all she could manage at the moment. Her hazel eyes glanced downward, shyly, for a long moment before she gathered the courage to meet his gaze once again - as if to just make sure what she was seeing was real. "Paul?"
[Joey] The weather has been warming somewhat as spring draws nearer. It can't come quickly enough for the desert-born Rotagar. The door leading to the kitchen swings open, and out steps a young blonde woman. She looks vaguely similar to the woman at the bar in that they're both blonde, and they're about the same height. That's where the similarities end, however.
Joey is obviously strong, and walks with the rolling swagger of the highly athletic. Her face is splashed with freckles. There is a scar that slashes across her throat. A fresher set of four parallel claw marks rake across from the left side of her neck and disappear beneath the collar of her t-shirt.
In one hand she holds a plate laden with food, meat and potatoes of some kind by the looks of it. The other holds a glass of water. Joey looks around the room with dark, inquisitive eyes, searching out a place to sit.
She sees Paul sitting at the bar, and frowns in a way that is not quite a scowl or a glare. It's the lunch rush, and there are currently no open tables. That just leaves the bar, and a stool on the other side of That's Great. Sighing, Joey crosses the room and takes up a perch.
"Hey," she greets blandly, and leans over to check out the woman Paul is talking to.
[Paul Kellogg] Arent you suppose to be 'happy' when you are presented with the very thing you've been looking for? How long has it been that he's searched? And across the nation no less! Hoping despite the sock fist buried in his stomach that she was just paunchy, that she wasn't anothers and THAT was from beer..or...anything but what he now expected.
Then his gaze shifted. Upwards to her eye. Rage seldom sensed, felt nor seen flaired. Daring to escape his throat and past his lips as a growl as his wolf grew incensed. She was 'abused'?
But assumptions would not do. Not this time. Yet she knows his name. ~Paul~ She responded with authenticity. The flicker of his lip from shocking frown to beguile smile almost made it. Quivering then by the arrival of Joey behind him, drawing his attention upon her 'Hey' and now attentions upon the swan before them.
Back and forth his gaze snapped, eyes narrowing in suspect. Was she getting one over on him? Tsk tsk. But he had to know. Snapping his attention back as a wide array of emotion skittered across his expressions as loud as any book being read aloud. "August? Is that really you?"
[August Grant] Never had she expected to see him again. Maybe it was just a dream? Yes - that was it, the entire thing was a dream and she'd wake up soon enough back in her horrid life. Oh, but it seemed so real. So real, she wanted to reach out and touch him. August was hesitant, however - not exactly sure how he would react. Paul looked as confused as she was.
To be polite, she offered a hint of a smile to the woman on the other side of Paul, and a little finger wave.
It was the little growl, no matter how it was meant - that clearly startled her. She suddenly looked like all she wanted to do was hide under the bar. In fact, she took a step back, bumping into her stool. And after a long moment of silence - maybe she realized he wasn't exactly mad at her..? - she spoke up. "It is.. really me. I.. I.. can't believe it. I never thought I'd see you again."
[Joey] Paul growls, August backs up abruptly, and Joey's attention to the other No Moon intensifies. If he so much as looked like he was going to strike the woman, Joey would rip out his spine.
She's good at that, ripping out spines. Tearing apart enemies with her teeth. She knows she shouldn't fight inside The Brotherhood, least of all in the dining room where the mortals eat, but August is a highly pure bred kinfolk. Not of Joey's tribe, of course, but that doesn't appear to matter to the Rotagar.
August eases, however, assures Paul that she is really her, and Joey relaxes. And watches while she eats a handful of fries, unconcerned that her very presence at Paul's back and her attention to the drama of his reunion could be rude.
"This your friend you thought was me?" she asks, not really expecting an answer immediately.
[Ray Ostermann] *A late lunch, it shouldn't be a surprise for the man whos practically chained to his desk when he isn't running around doing research. But today he has some time, and what a better place to spend a lunch then the rustic settings of the Brotherhood. Though he might not look like the type to be here, what with his black fitted suit and tie, designer shoes and fine hair cut. But he steps through the door and moves towards the bar without a hint of awkwardness. Sliding through the crowd like a man used to finding his way through a tightly packed lounge.*
"The winter warmer please, and a turkey sandwich with mayo please." *He says as he slides up onto a bar stool and briefly looks down the line. Looking for anyone he might recognize. When he notices no one he sits back and pulls a note pad from inside his coat and flips it open. A pen deftly pulled from another pocket and he sets about to jotting down notes as he waits for his food.*
*When the bartender passes by once more Ray holds him up to ask him a question, a warm smile so as to ease the interruption of his duties* "Lukas' in by chance?" *He asks, and when the man shakes his head, Ray shrugs and lets the man go* "Thank you anyways."
[Paul Kellogg] She looked frightened. And why not? The growl wasn't meant for her. Yet despite his overwhelming desire to embrace her, protect her, claim her after so long. There were the issue of that paunch, the fearful expression cast. Was it as he thought? Another here? With claims upon what he's long considered his?
"Oh I have hoped...longed even" Surprise flitted in his eyes, recognizing that was said outloud. A blush of embarrassment, his man's mind looked hesitantly about for another with claim upon her. His wolf growled for challenge. Then Joey spoke, bringing his united attentions now upon her. "Joey, forgive me, but are you having one on me? Do you know...August?" And if so...why didn't you tell me? Unless to be the bunt of some ridicul and joke.
But as quickly as that thought formed, it vanished. Through the mist of his mind, the confusion and apprehension, his wolven instinct grappled his heart and drove back the fraying mind of his man senses. The wolf now chose it's apewords and guided Paul from hence with a nod to Joey and a simple gesture to August. Where his hands flexed fingers of possessiveness. Eager to touch.
"Yes Joey, it appears so.....August Amber? We've been looking for you" The wolf and I who long ago claimed you! There was so much in that, how his voice even thickened with the beast's affections, desires and promise. There ended the conflict of reaching for her. He'd fight that challenge, from whomever. She belonged to him.
[August Grant] Her gaze again shifted over to Joey - August looked confused again. She didn't know the other woman.. had never seen her before actually. "I don't know her Paul. I've only been in town a few days." There seemed to be no one with her, no one even paid much attention - except those who noticed the bit of drama going on.
She paused a moment, to gather her courage.. and once she'd talked herself into it, she pushed the stool between them off to the side and she stepped closer. A slender, soft hand tenatively reached out and came to rest upon his arm. "I've thought about you ever since we last saw each other. I.. never thought I'd see you again. My name is actually August Grant though - my family insisted on the false last name when I went to school." She smiled, a bit more confidently - and little tears welled up in the corner of her pretty eyes. "I've missed you, Paul."
[Joey] Joey's attention drifts from the soap opera unfolding before her, over the dining room and down the line of the bar. No one stands out for her, except the bartender, one of the kinfolk staff of The Brotherhood.
Paul asks her a question, and Joey's attention is back on him, her own brows lifted in a querrelous expression before lowering into a frown. Paul answers his own question. The answer is confirmed by August Amber.
The scene between the Gaians is turning decidedly mushy, with Joey's stomach turning decidedly queasy. The Fenrir gathers up her plate and prepares to move down the line, to lean against the counter if there are no open seats.
A tall businessman mentions Lukas to the bartender, and Joey stops, looks the man over. "Might be. Who's askin'?"
[Paul Kellogg] Sadly, August demonstrates the raw prowess of females. To easily control, sway and congile males so easily enraptured. Going so far as to touch. In which most rational thought slides away at the simplicity of that brush of fingertips. Adding to her arsenal, a tear. He was doomed, at least however both he and his wolf knew it. At least thats something right?
If he could coo like a dove, he would. Beneath her touch, he calmed. Though had little in the mental department since both wolf and loin were conquering thoughts beckoned so skillfully by that single touch. Almost salvating. He shakes his head, attempting to clear his thoughts that were by now mush.
"Oh you're good..." He finally managed, appreciative even to the point of awe. She should write a book, course so could he as a warning of what's to come. Been here a couple of days she says. Hmmm, "We should go somewhere and talk" Would she say yes? Tipping her hat perhaps? Secretly praising Gaia for a moment of clarity to inquire rather than leap.
[Ray Ostermann] *Ray was about to take a drink of his freshly poured beer when he halts, he considers the voice from behind him and slowly turns around lowering his drink back to the bar as he turns and regards Joey for a brief moment before giving her a warm, friendly smile as he stands and offers his hand* "Ray Ostermann."
*He stands there relaxed and confident, his head cocked slightly to the side as he waits for the stranger to reply. "I take it you know Lukas?" *He asks, in a curious manner as if her strong and abrupt words had been the friendliest hello she could have mustered. Even her words however, don't seem to bother him.*
[August Grant] The waterworks weren't really some evil plot - they were simply the swell of emotions rising to the surface after being supressed for so long. Relief. Joy. Anxiety. Fear. He got a nod in response to his question. She wanted to speak with him, but clearly didn't trust herself to speak.
Oh, her bill! Mm.. August dug into her pocket for a moment and came up with a collection of change, and a few bills - enough to cover for meal and a small tip. She didn't have lots to spare. The rest was returned to her pocket and she reached for her coat.
[Joey] Ray stands and offers a hand to shake. The considerably shorter (is it something in the water? Why are all these people always so tall?) female stares at the hand, both of hers currently occupied with holding a plate of food and a glass of water. She looks up the distance with brow quirked, and then flicks her head, shifting her bangs out of her dark eyes.
"Joey," she introduces simply. She may be shorter than Ray, but there's a sense of power in her lean athletic frame. Her rage is stronger than that of most No Moons, and there's the matter of those scrass criss crossing her throat, scars she does nothing to hide, despite what questions may arise because of them.
She's not being harsh, or short, or rude, but neither is she going out of her way to seem friendly and open and polite with the kinsman. "I know a Lukas," she says blithely, and altogether unhelpfully. She doesn't know this man, doesn't know if he's mortal or kin or what.
[Paul Kellogg] His palm fell upon her. Soft though were it's touch. On her shoulder, a pause in silent askance to hold up. "Let me get my burger" He too was dealing with conflict. Drawing back his hand, his wolf almost whimpered. But praise be to Gaia, his mind has for the moment returned to him.
He'd been a life long friend of Perry Mason in his youth. Watching both he and Charlie Chan during the afternoon hour blocks with his mother years back. And his apemind was screaming. ~Check HER, Tooo Convinant!~
His look was simple, stay right there...Im not going anywhere. But he did. Turning as his order arrived, he left some bills as he asked for it to be turned into a to go order. Eyes scanning for Joey. Found her. With another. He had to hurry. Rushing those few steps away, he called for her attention before drawing closer. "Joey...er..I apologize for the interruption" For Ray at least he gave a nod. For Joey, need in his gaze for her. "..can I have a wee smidgen of your tiame?" He asked in beckonance.
[Ray Ostermann] *At her obtuse response Ray simply blinks, and allows his hand to fall at his side, he's still smiling, but something in his eyes seems to indicate he's jumping ahead a few steps, or maybe switching gears in response to her actions. He also seems to be re-examining her, reassessing her stance, her look, her attitude and he nods once he's gone through a mental check list it would seem*
"It's a pleasure to meet you Joey, and you know a Lukas, well it is a start." *He pauses a beat as he looks down at her, but is wary of her eyes before pointing to his own throat*
"Those are quite impressive." *He indicates her scars, if shes not going to hide them, he's not going to worry about commenting on them*
[August Grant] If August was good at something.. it was following directions, for sure. He didn't even have to say it, but she understood. So, she simply retook her seat on the barstool, coat neatly folded on her lap. She didn't meet anyone's gaze.. but instead seemed quite content watching the floor.
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] Lukas comes in not through the back door but the front today. The first stirrings of spring have begun to thaw the city. The Shadow Lord's coat falls to his knees rather than his shins; rather than a scarf, he wears a thin zip-up beneath his coat, the collar of which comes halfway up his neck. Gloves, too, which he peels off on his way over to ... wherever it is Joey and Ray are.
"I keep hearing my name over here. I'm Lukáš." He pronounces it differently from everyone else; a long a, a soft aspirated sibilant on the s. There's no accent in his voice, nothing but standard american english, but the way he says his own name speaks of a second language. Or perhaps a foreign first language.
"Joey." The Ahroun's eyes are brilliantly, palely blue, and regard the newcomer with interest. "And you; I'm going to hazard a guess and say you're Ray Ostermann."
[Iona McNevin] The Irish Raggie didn't quiet like the bed in the loft. Too soft. Too frilly. So she couldn't sleep. She came back to the BH, parked her truck, and headed inside. She wore a hoodie under her military jacket, and the hood, which was huge on her, was pulled over her head. Her jeans were dirty from work, and her black steel toed boots thunked and scuffed the floor as her tired walk took her to the bar.
She climbed onto the barstool, and raised a finger. They knew her well enough, and it wasn't 'a shot' or a glass of that. They just put a whole bottle of Midleton Very Rare and a glass in front of her. There was a murmur from her to the tender who gave a nod and disappear for a few moments to the kitchen to deliver an order.
[Joey] Everyone is vying for the Rotagar's attention, it seems. She eyes Ray warily, tipping her head in Paul's direction when he asks for a moment of her time. She considers telling him no, or better yet, simply walking away. That's one of the things she picked up during her vow of silence. The ability, the desire, and the gumption to simply turn on her heel and leave a scene, walking away without comment or explanation.
Her scars are quite impressive. To that, Joey smiles, lips carefully closed over her white teeth. She doesn't hide her scars in shame, but nor does she display them with pride.
The matter of finding Lukas, and whether or not the Lukas Joey knows is the same Lukas Ray is looking for is settled when the man himself walks up to the bar. Joey looks up at him with open respect. She's fought with Wyrmbreaker often enough, that even if he weren't a Fostern Ahroun and the Elder of his Auspice, she would show the same measure of respect.
She looks back to Ray and just says, "Later." And back to Paul, with a very flat, "What?"
[August Grant] What was taking so long? The blonde kin with the fading black eye, sitting at the bar, glanced over towards where Paul went.. making sure he didn't go running off or something.
[Paul Kellogg] And then Lukas Wyrmbreaker stalks inside. Striding up between Joey and Ray. He almost tipped and tucked his tail and veered away. And the glance towards him from Joey went a long way in advertising her momentary ire. Suckling a tooth, he shook his head and pressed forward.
Close as to whisper, within reach of another, but leaving enough space as not to smother. A wolfish demeanor of etiquette. "Hey...everything is just abit to convenient for my taste. Keeping with the moral lesson of questioning everything. I was wondering if perhaps you could check the swan for taint?" Eyes gleaming hopefully, there was a glance back to her from afar.
[Ray Ostermann] "So long." *He says politely to Joey before immediately turning his attention to Lukas, his eye's meet his only long enough to give the man that warm confident smile, before looking down looking more at his nose then anything else* "I am, and you must be Lukas. It is a pleasure to finally meet you sir."
*He greets the man with nothing but respect and it practically drips off the word "Sir" He does offer his hand in that moment and meets his gaze ever so briefly once more. Still not entirely sure of protocol, the man is obviously used to being able to properly meet someone's eyes when he greets them. At the moment hes not sure if that will get him praise...or a ripped out throat.*
"I have to say I was beginning to think you were a ghost."
[Joey] Joey sets her plate and glass back on the bar top and slides her hands into the seat pockets of her faded and tattered jeans. She listens to his request with a somewhat bored expression on her face. That expression changes abruptly to a wary frown at the suggestion that the girl might be tainted.
Dark eyes narrow at the Gaian Ragabash, studying his blue eyes. Then she looks at the blonde woman, and shakes her head.
"Can't," she says, simply. "There's Crescents upstairs, though, if they're in." A glance is cast back at Lukas. She doesn't know what Gifts the Ahroun has, what abilities outside of combat her may be master of. "Hang on," she says to Paul, and turns to tap Lukas on the shoulder.
"Got a question, Rhya."
[Paul Kellogg] A snap of forefinger and thumb. Shucks and Gotcha both conveyed by the simple gesture. He turned with a nod of thanks for at least listening. Back to August, where now unfortunately his 'worry' could fluster. Then Joey asked him to hold on. Causing his gaze to return to her, then beyond. Yeap...to Lukas. Well...in for a penny, in for a pound he thought. Why not?
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] Lukas's regard is direct, his handshake firm but not crushing. The Garou seem to run a few degrees hotter than your average human. Even after a stint outdoors, the Ahroun's palm is warm. There's a subtle, powerful charisma in him -- nothing less would be expected of the alpha of a tribe like the Shadow Lords -- but when he speaks, his voice is downright alarming.
It creaks, cracks, jumps octaves, rasps. He sounds like he has the world's worst cold combined with the world's worst case of puberty. It doesn't fit the fine, dark clothing, the height and the breadth of shoulders, the alert pale eyes. It doesn't fit him at all.
"I got your note a while ago. Duties and responsibilities kept me from contacting you earlier, I'm afraid. And I apologize for my voice." Perhaps he's caught some flicker of aghastness in Ray's face; perhaps he's just being proactive. "I recently killed a Silver Fang. This is my punishment."
There it is: up front, no attempts to dodge or hide. Then Joey taps him on the shoulder, and Lukas murmurs an excuse me before turning to see what the Rotagar wanted.
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] [btw folks, i'm at work so prone to slowness!]
[Joey] [me, too!]
[Ray Ostermann] *If ray is surprised by the man's odd voice he hides it well as he listens intently to every word the man has to say. His eyes widen slightly at the mention of killing, and what such a killing had done to him. The looks appears to be out of shock, combined with wonder and curiousity at this world he continues to find his way into.*
"I understand of course, leadership and position takes it's toll and takes priority." *He says casually, but his voice is still coated with the respect that the man is due. When he turns away to confront Joey he acknowledges it without a fuss* "Certainly" *Before turning to the bar and snapping up his notebook and pocketing it, before observing the situation as it unfolds around him*
[Joey] "Sorry to bug ya, but." She hesitates, leans in slightly closer. The restaurant is busy at this time, with hardly an open table in the dining area, which is filled with the dull roar of conversation. It's unlikely anyone is paying attention to the collection of Rage by the bar, at least not enough to listen. Most who dare glance that way immediately look away again.
Keeping her voice low, "That's Great thinks his girl might be tainted. I was wonderin' if you could check before I go lookin' for a Crescent from upstairs."
There is no suggestion that a potentially Wyrm-tainted kinfolk be taken into another area of The Brotherhood.
[Paul Kellogg] (points finger and cackles@Joey)
[Iona McNevin] The Raggie glances alongside her to where Ray took a seat as she downs a goodly shot of Midleton. The hoodie falls back, and her blonde hair falls. She smiles as the tender finally brings her burger to sit in front of her.
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] "Sorry," Lukas replies to Joey, shaking his head, "I would've been able to help you while we were still under the Talons of Horus, but Perun doesn't grant me any means of knowing for sure." He thinks for a moment. "Theron might be able to summon a spirit. Iona," turning to his packmate, "is Theron up there?"
[Iona McNevin] She glanced over her shoulder. "Aye, buh he be sleepin'. If'n ye need cleansing, I kin do it."
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] "That might be best," Lukas agrees. "Can you help Joey out with this? I need to talk to my kinsman." An offhand introduction, "Ray, this is my packmate Iona, a no-moon of Stag's tribe. Iona, Ray."
Lukas never did sit; he straightens now, suddenly standing well over six feet. "Let's go upstairs," he says to Ray, and leads the way through the kitchen.
[Iona McNevin] She shrugged and nodded all at once, at tired as she was, he could ask her to go head long into the Abyss and she would. She turned in the stool after filling up her glass and looked to Joey. "So wha' be the story?"
[Ray Ostermann] *Ray nods politely to Iona as she is introduced to her and offers her that sure and smooth smile* "A pleasure."
*He would have waiting for further conversation, but as soon as Lukas decided to go upstairs, any option of staying is eliminated quickly. Lukas takes priority at the moment, no question there. "Certainly Lukas." *He says as he follows along*
[Iona McNevin] A glass raised to Ray. "Pleasure fo' sure."
[Paul Kellogg] Paul exchanged a glance from Lukas to Iona then back to Joey. Silent as they spoke openly between them. Subject? Yes..His kin. Cleansing? That he could perform himself if she be touched by the wyrm, infected. But what he sought was something else. Could she regretably be a mistress of it's service? Gaia please don't let her be. But prudence was best. He could never live with himself if he lead the wyrm into the Sept by being shuckled to the blind emotions he has for this kin.
Now his eye turned to Iona and Joey, resting between them.
[Joey] Joey frowns, her mouth twisting to the side. She nods acknowledgement of Lukas' packmate, then shakes her head once. "Cleansin' isn't the problem."
She glances over her shoulder, back to the blonde sitting quietly through all of this. Patiently. She frowns again.
Lukas offers his packmate's assistance, to which Joey nods. Better to be safe and cleanse in full force than risk not being able to do enough. "Let me get my shit," she says to the Fianna, which isn't the story at all. "Take her outside," she says to Paul, "and around to the back alley." There's a pause, just long enough to allow Lukas and the kinsman to get a headstart up to the second floor, and then Joey is off, headed up the stairs and to room 8, where she grabs her coat, a flask and a switch.
When she heads back down, she doesn't go out the front, but out the back door of the kitchen, to the alley, where hopefully someone is waiting for her.
[Paul Kellogg] Paul returns to August after giving Joey's instruction a blind nod. His voice low, almost a whisper. "I've asked that we ensure you're not tainted. Please understand. Would you accompany me out back fille?"
[August Grant] "Oh.." It was her only response at first. August slid off of the stool and slid her coat on. "You lead the way?"
[Iona McNevin] What few knew about Iona was that the girl had a gift of faery, or so her father told her. She asked the tender to keep her food safe that she would return to eat. Then she slipped off stool and as she made her way to the door with the others, she bumped into the Coggie kin to see if she got a vision. ((Second Sight.))
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] "Start with a cleansing then," Lukas says over his shoulder. "If that doesn't do anything, wake Theron up."
Then he's through the swinging doors to the kitchen. Clouds of steam, a woodfire oven, and teams of cooks and waiters and busboys and dishwashers back here, all of them more or less ignoring the two Shadow Lords as they skirt the perimeter of the kitchen and then go up the stairs.
It's much quieter up here. The common room is deserted. "The Brotherhood provides room and board for Garou and kin," Lukas explains as they pass the sectional sofa; the entertainment center; the pool tables and bookshelves. "Most residents pay what they can, in money or trade or protection. It's not the Ritz, but it's a good touchstone for newcomers to the city. I stay here permanently because I enjoy being in the company of my Septmates."
They've passed out into the hallway. It's like a dorm: identical doors, some of them decorated by their residents. Lukas's is plain. He unlocks it with a key on a lanyard and then opens it. Inside, his room is as plain as the door: a neatly made bed, a desk, a dresser, a closet. All surfaces are clean and neat. All personal effects are stashed away somewhere out of sight. Apart from two lamps -- one clipped onto the headboard and one at the desk -- a coffeemaker and a clock radio, this room looks unoccupied.
"Have a seat." He directs Ray to the only chair in the room, which is at the desk. He himself sits crosswise on his bed, leaning against the wall.
[Joey] [heads up! i'm outta here in thirty minutes, and then i'm off for jamie's scene!]
[Paul Kellogg] Without trepidation, for he didn't want to even think about the consequences should she be....'tainted' he guided August through the kitchen. His first time back there, thus he paused to guess at his direction. Finding the backdoor, he lead her through it.
Finding Joey outside, he gave a nod before turning to August Amber..er...whatever her sirname is. "Thank you Joey...August..you do not object to being cleansed or sensed for wyrm-taint I hope. We must be deligent"
[Ray Ostermann] *Ray watches with interest as he walks through the building and up the stairs, he'd been up here once, but as he was now guided by Lukas he took new meaning from certain things, looked at them a slightly different way. When they reached the dorm area however Ray has entered new territory. He takes note of the doors decorated as well as those that arnt. Such details could tell you many things about a person, and Ray was the sort that loved to have that kind of information.
He had expected an office when Lukas opened his door, what he got was the man's private quarters, as he steps inside he can't help but look around, curious as to clues as to just what sort of man Lukas was, but when it became clear no such hints would be given through his environment, Ray turned his attention entirely to Lukas. He takes the proffered seat and sits down, his hands on his legs and his back straight, as he turns to look at Lukas, waiting, expectant*
[August Grant] August had followed along without protest, just a few steps behind Paul. Once outside, she buttoned a few of the buttons on her coat and shook her head. "No.. I don't object. I understand the need for being careful.."
[Iona McNevin] Iona followed and, as they hit the back alley, it hit her, she doubled over a bit and curled up, feeling all that the kin felt. She saw everything the poor kin went through to get here. And when it was done, the gathering in the back alley felt a rush of rage as Iona got up and growled. "Where the hell ye come from, lass? Na man should evah lay a hand on a woman like tha!"
[Joey] Joey doesn't know that Iona has the gift of second sight. She doesn't know anything about the woman at all, except that she's Fianna, and packed with Lukas.
So when they're all gathered out back behind the restaurant -- Joey fixing Paul with a stern look followed with a roll of her eyes -- the Rotagar takes hold of August's upper arm and guides her to a spot where she'll easily be able to circle the woman. Perhaps surprisingly given her aloof attitude and the glares she has been shooting Paul's way since she first met the Ragabash, she is not rough with the kinswoman. Joey's hold on her arm is featherlight and easily broken if August resists her.
Not that it matters. As soon as the Fianna Ragabash doubles over, Joey releases the kin, instantly alert for whatever might have caused Iona to double over in pain like that.
When the fit passes, Iona growls, snarls, and Joey...watches. A brow lifts as she looks between the two women, finally resting on Iona. "Can you tell if she needs to be cleansed, though?"
[August Grant] It was the sudden doubling over of the woman behind her that startled her first.. and then the growling. August quickly backed away.. eyes downcast - submitting to the creature before her. She made sure she was out of the other womans reach ..
It was just then that Joey took her arm.. and the poor kin began to cower. She knew what this was going to be about - but.. with all the growling and the sudden outburst, she'd apparently grown very skiddish. Ideally.. running and hiding would have been the best plan.
[Paul Kellogg] Iona, not known to he made a bellow. Her rage swelling, it caught his full attention. What is she???
A quick glance to Joey, then back now at the suddenly aware and skiddish August. "Hold up, what's going on?" Brows furrowed in confusion.
[Iona McNevin] Though anger ran through her blood, and Lukas more than likely felt it as well, she shook her head. "Na, wha' she be needin' is a bloody divorce o' whaevah he is tae her." Her eyes went to the cowering kin. "Ye be in good hands, lass. Buh ye tell me where ye came runnin' from an' I'll make sure ye nevah have tae worry about them coming fo' ye."
[August Grant] Timidly she whispered, not willing to meet any of their gazes. "Don't be mad at me, please.."
[August Grant] "No.. no. They can't know I'm here. No one can tell them, please.. my family will make me go back if there's any word that I'm here.. I can't go back.." Tears welled up once more - must be the theme of the day!
[Joey] Joey's dark eyes narrow as she studies August, tears welling up in her pretty hazel eyes. Shrugging, the Rotagar pockets her flask, twists the willow switch between her fingers, and heads for the door into the kitchen.
She pauses beside Paul, looks up at him with something like sympathy. "Good luck, dude."
And with that she takes her leave, finally going back out to finish her lunch. Taking it up to room 8, where she can eat in peace.
[and Joey's out! thanks for the play and see you guys later!]
[Paul Kellogg] He stop listening after he heard 'Divorce'. Yeap, he just stood there, shaking with fury. Not at her, not at Iona or Joey even. At the intangible who thought to claim her over him. It wasn't until August panic voice drew him from his moment of fury that he drew reigns upon himself.
"Um...let us not pry or make her anymore hesitant than we have already. Let us cleanse her if its needed. And I'LL be looking after her" She belongs to me! Loud and clear in his meaning.
[Paul Kellogg] Joey's gone. Iona is left. "Does she need to be cleansed?" He inquired with a deep throaty rasp. So docile usually, it was even disconcerting to himself that he could hear the rage in his throat.
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] There are so few personal touches around the room that it looks like a hotel room. Like someone else's room. Like anyone's room. But Lukas has a familiarity with it, an ease of motion and being in it, that marks it as his. His turf. His den.
The tall Ahroun is relaxed on his bed, legs sprawled, one foot on the ground and the other tucked under his knee. "Before we go any further," he says, "let me just lay out the terms. I assume whoever directed you to me let you know that I'm the alpha of our tribe in this city. That means that until you hear otherwise from me, I am your guardian.
"I don't intend to meddle in your life any more than I need to. I won't hound you to find out what you are doing every moment of the day. As long as you stay out of trouble, you can do what you want -- with a few exceptions.
"First, if a Garou of another tribe courts you, however, you will inform me whether or not she wants to. If any Garou wants to claim you as mate or ward, they have to come to me first.
"Second, if you require protection or help, come to me. I will do everything I can to aid you, so long as it does not interfere with my duty to the War. If you get in trouble, come to me. It'll go better for all involved if I hear it from you before I hear it from whomever you may have offended. If you can't find me, look for my pack, the Unbroken. Other tribemates may be able to direct you to me as well, or Ahrouns of the Sept.
"Finally, I may request aid or services on occasion for the sake of the war. I promise you: I will not make frivolous demands. But if I ask something of you, I will expect to receive it."
There's a certain roteness about these conditions, as though Ray is not the first kin -- or Garou, for that matter -- that Lukas has recited these terms to. When he's finished, he raises his eyebrows at Ray. "Any questions on any of that?"
[Iona McNevin] She pulled her anger back in, and leaned back on the wall. She gave Joey a nod as the Rotagar left. Her voice went soft, empathatic towards the girl. "I saw wha' they be doin' tae ye, lass. I saw how they hurt ye. I felt ye'r fear an' terror. I dinnah ... feel tha' woman o' child should evah be treated so. I am willing tae take care o' the problem. They would nevah find ye here. I would go tae them. Buh if'n ye think noh, then I am sure ye'll be fine with this lad."
She looked to Paul and shook her head. "I dinnah believe so. She is more scared than anything. Buh if'n ye think we should, we kin. It woh't hurt her none either way."
[August Grant] "I.. don't want anyone to get hurt over me. He's powerful. The sept let him claim three of his five wives - and they told me they wouldn't let him do that unless he was important. No one needs to get hurt because of me." She seemed a little more relaxed, now that the trueborns had finally decided to reign their rage in.
[Iona McNevin] Her eyes narrowed but she did her best to hold it all in. "Ye mate wa' a trueborn an' he treated ye like tha?" Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. "An' wha Sept was this?"
[Paul Kellogg] "I thank you for your observation...." Not knowing her name, he let it hang. Then August spoke and his spine straightened. To the Fianna, his lip quirked in gesture. Thinned and ungrinning. "August belongs with me. I and our triabe shall take care of her needs I assure you. But somethings are best left alone if they are not your secrets to be sharing. Our tribe will handle the matter of August and her former Sept"
[August Grant] "He.. he treated everyone terribly - we, just got the brunt of it sometimes." A slight shrug. "I don't know the name of it. It was in Oklahoma, but I don't ever intend on returning.."
[Ray Ostermann] *Ray listens to Lukas, drinking in every word, he is relaxed, but his mind is on full alert as he the man talks. He seems to mentally check each condition as they come to him and he doesnt seem to have a problem at all, he simply smiles* "I was told to expect as such by the kin who found me." *He pauses only a beat before continuing* "In regards to other garou taking interest in me, there is one that is worth mentioning. Her name is Marni, a Bone Gnawer I believe....she' show specific interest in me." *He raises his hands in a shrug* "Though wether she is simply looking to fool around....or make something serious of it, I do not know."
*He cocks his head to the side as he thinks, checking over the list one more time to see if there is anything else he should let the man know, based on what hes told him so far.* "Other then that...no questions. Its all pretty straight forward."
[Iona McNevin] She offered a hand to Paul. "Iona....Iona McNevin, knon tae tha tribe as Banshee. Fianna No Moon. If'n ye need help when tha time comes, please ask. I kin be as bad as Furies when it comes tae such things. Buh I do believe she'll be in good hands with ye."
She looked to the girl. "I'm sorry, I get visions all the time. Buh ye are safe here, really. May I atleast know ye name? Thah way, if'n someone comes callin' I kin be warnin' ye both."
[August Grant] "August. August Grant." She offered a small smile to Iona. "Thank you for the assurances and the offer of help.."
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] Lukas's smile is wry. "That was the hope."
Terms laid down, the Shadow Lord's demeanor relaxes. "So tell me a little about yourself, Ray. I actually asked around after I got your note, but no one seemed to know a whole lot about you."
[Paul Kellogg] "Paul Kellogg, Waxing No Moon of the Children of Gaia. Cliath. Known simply as Thats Great" For the first time, there were no inflection nor mimicry of Tony the Tiger to be made. He simply stated his deedname flatly. Accepting the Fianna's hand and nodding "Thank you for your understanding and offer of aid. We all unfortunately have those within our tribes who embrace ideals that run contrary to the greater faith. Im sorry you've been witness to ours. August though is no victim as she is the lesson. Her spirit as you can see is far from broken, by her escaping, she's accepted the weight of making the right and Gaian decision." Slight chuckle "But forgive me, for I must take her with me now to get re-acquanted"
[Iona McNevin] She smiled, more in control now. "Tis be a pleasure tae finally meet ye, lass." Then a hardy shake with Paul. "Please tae be meetin ye as well." Then to them both. "Me offer be standing. Ye evah need help, they evah come fo' ye, an' ye need a hand, find me in room 10 upstairs." She gave them both a smile and a nod, then pushed off the wall, and headed inside.
[Iona McNevin] An off center message was sent. "Tha' girl be fucked up mentally by how she was treated. Tha' Cog's got his hands full with her."
to Lukas Wyrmbreaker
[August Grant] August would depart when Paul did.. quietly finding somewhere to stand by him if he lingered anywhere for too long. (Gotta go! Laters.)
[Ray Ostermann] *Ray smooths out the pant legs of his suit and reclines a little in the chair, from the movement of the shoulders, if it had of been a bigger chair or a couch, he'd have put an arm over the back of it. But instead his arms simply relax back onto his lap and he nods to Lukas statement*
"I am not that surprised. The kinsmen that found me had come all the way from Europe. My grandmothers family was forced to flee germany during the second war...she was just a child at the time." *He shrugs* "I guess the history of our true existence was lost in the flight. Our kinsmen managed to track us down with government records..an effort to find lost lines." *He rubs his chin* "So...you could imagine this has been quite the change for me."
*He smiles as if thinking about it, his body language communicates that he certainly doesn't think finding out was a bad thing, if anything, it's made him curious, interested even.*
"Other then that...I'm a businessman, I make deals happen, i resolve conflicted agreements." *He shrugs* "My bosses would say i'm their best kept dirty secret." *His voice speaks more then just the words, it says...i do the bad deals no one else will, i am not afraid to tear apart someones dreams to see the job done.* "I get the job done, no matter the cost." *He pauses, and looks around one more time* "Other then that...I don't know, I watch sports, i read, I camp...." *He smiles* "I chase attractive women. I do have to do something with my professional salary afterall." *He chuckles at the bit, like the money isn't what hes in this for*
[Iona McNevin] The Fianna goes back to her spot at the bar and pours herself another glass. She finally decides to pull off the hoodie/military jacket she was using for warmth, and she the slimming baby doll tee she wore with her jeans. Usually she was self conscious about showing her naval and the piercing it held, but she was just coming down from anger back into tiredness.
Iona looked at her burger and sighed, asking the tender to nuke it just for a minute with a pleasant smile.
[Iona McNevin] Grabbing the bottle of whiskey she so preferred, and taking her now warmed up burger in hand, she heads for the back of the kitchen and upstairs to her room, so she can eat, drink and collapse in a happy stupor.
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] A flicker of surprise -- "If you were only recently made aware of the Garou Nation and its war on the Wyrm, it must be one hell of a culture shock." That's putting it mildly. "I'll be frank with you, Ray. It can be tough to be a kinfolk, and perhaps doubly so to be a kinsman. Just looking at you, hearing what you've told me about your life so far, tells me that everything you've ever known has taught you to be strong. To win and to dominate. To call the shots. That's the blood of Thunder in you.
"But Garou society is intensely hierarchical, and our Tribe even more so. It's a necessity. We're in a war, and every military has its ranks. And the harsh truth is that kinfolk generally fill the very bottom rank. Every Garou, no matter how young or inexperienced or downright stupid, still has some slim chance of promotion. Cubs become Cliaths; Cliaths become Fosterns; Fosterns become Adrens if they live long enough and fight hard enough. Kinfolk don't have that opportunity. They're forever at the bottom of the totempole, often unthanked, sometimes abused or mistreated without any reason.
"You won't be abused and mistreated on my watch. But everything else holds true. And that can be hard to reconcile yourself to. The only advice I can give you is to try to keep the greater goal in mind. When shit flies in your face and you don't think you can stand another day of it, remember that in the end every one of us will be called on to sacrifice everything in the name of victory over the Wyrm."
A pause. Then the Ahroun shrugs.
"I don't know if any of that'll help you. But I felt it should be said."
[Leslie Chadwick] A bar seemed, at least to Leslie, not the sort of place that anyone would want anybody to be hanging out at. Especially kin without a mate to call their own. To her, it just seemed like it was asking for trouble, which of course, was why she found it all too amusing. Dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a sweater, she walked in with a easy going smile on her face as she tried to at least be polite to those who were currently strangers...at least for now.
"Afternoon." The dark haired woman said it to no one in particular, she was chipper, but her voice had a certain toughness to it, like she may smoke, or at the very least, had some sort of attraction to whiskey. But of course, she didn't want to say so much that she would be rude, at least, not yet. So she took a seat at the bar and looked over things, perhaps making a decision, or at the very least, getting a layout of the area.
[Ray Ostermann] *He soaks that in, listening to every word, and slowly, slowly his smile dies as he Lukas comes to the end, every word sinking in and becoming fact. From the looks of it he had already been told some....but not so directly, not so completely. But he takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes for just a moment before looking to Lukas again with that warm grin returning* "Oh well, so I answer to a new board of directors, so far, I'm liking you alot better then the current ones I answer to. They promise me bonuses and give me a hand shake. At least your willing to tell me exactly whats going to happen."
*He grin widens, but he keeps his teeth hidden he knows the drill already apparently*
"But that isnt going to stop me...your right, there is a greater goal here...and I'm definitely not going to miss out on my fair share of whats to come."
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] The smile Lukas returns is a little wry, a little sad, but genuine. "If you can keep that in mind," he says, "then you'll go a long way."
He sits up, then, setting both feet on the ground, leaning over to his nightstand to get a pad of paper out of the drawer. "In the short term, you should know that the Sept is going to war against a Spiral Hive in the north. The Garou are mobilizing, and so are the kin. If you can offer anything at all -- your corporate clout, perhaps, or simply monetary support -- you should get in touch.
"This," he scrawls a number on the pad: a cell phone with a manhattan area code, "is Dani&+269;ka Musil's phone number. She's my mate, and she's been setting up the kin coalition that will form the backbone of kin support for the war effort. Give her a call. She'll be able to link you in."
[Ray Ostermann] *He takes the paper and looks it over and his smile actually widens as if he'd just recieved a pleasant surprise and he pockets the paper, patting his pocket* "I'll be happy to lend my support and expertise. I've already had a few ideas, based off of the few conversations I've had with others of the nation. I think they'll work quite well in tandem with this mobilization."
*If hes worried at all about the idea of war, he doesnt show it. Or perhaps, it just hasnt quite sunk in exactly what it is he's facing. Afterall, Ray Ostermann up until this point, didnt have to worry about anything more dangerous then his bosses. He's never seen, or felt the Wyrm.*
[Leslie Chadwick] She isn't very subtle when it didn't seem important to her, Leslie leaned a bit on her bar stool, trying to catch a bit of the conversation for herself. After all, there was something about kin support, clout and monetary assistance. So of course, it was her duty to know more. "Excuse me..." she spoke up, a smile slipping over her face as she tried her damnedest to seem non-obtrusive to the situation. "Not to sound overly forward my dear, but...I do think that I may be able to be of assistance."
Finally the woman hopped down from her seat and came over to Lukas and Ray, "Terribly sorry for cutting in, I'm Leslie Chadwick, and while I'm certain we haven't met yet, like I said...I would love to help." She just threw it out there, letting her hands rest to her side as she looked between the two with a smile, just keeping up the harmless facade for as long as she was able.
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] [just FYI, leslie, they're in Lukas's room, but i'm cool with leslie overhearing as she walks by. his door's open!]
[Leslie Chadwick] ((FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF No wonder no one else was around after everyone else left...sorry guys))
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] The door to Lukas's door is ajar; from the hall, Leslie can hear voices inside. Ray's is smooth and professional. Lukas's is ... a horror of croaks and creaks, occasionally leaping up several octaves like an overly hormonal teenager's.
Nonetheless, he's intelligible. And they're talking about the War.
"Excellent," Lukas is saying as Leslie pokes her head in -- cutting off, then, to look at the newcomer with some surprise. Her breeding is shockingly clear in the air: like a scent. The Shadow Lord's pale blue eyes flick her over, and then he nods her into the room.
"We haven't met yet," he says, "but you've come to the right place. I'm Lukáš Wyrmbreaker, the alpha of the Shadow Lord tribe in this city. This is Ray Ostermann, a fellow kin of Thunder."
[Ray Ostermann] *Ray was smiling at the brief praise he'd received from the Alpha of his tribe and when Leslie walked in. He regards her warmly, even before Lukas ok's her. Like it would be a bad idea to assume anyones an enemy until proven so. He nods to the woman at his introduction and stands*
"It's a pleasure to meet you ms....."
*He holds out his hand for her if shes at all inclined to shake, it seems to be standard practice for him, obviously a man used to the corporate world, and all the niceties it involved.*
[Leslie Chadwick] "Marvelous then, you're just the man I'd want to meet." She almost carried herself with a masculine air, years of political mud-rucking had steeled her to something sometimes aggressive when it came to what she wanted. Once invited she walked into the room. "Lovely to meet you, Wyrmbreaker-rhya, and Mr. Ostermann. "
"It's a pleasure to meet you ms....."
"Ms...Chadwick. Also, please, just call me Leslie." She spoke with quite a clip, even given the depth of her voice, someone used to quickly wheeling and dealing. But still she offered a hand to shake between the two of them. Offering it first to the Garou and then next to the fellow kin.
"I hope I am not disrupting you too much, I admit, I was walking by, and caught some of your conversation and thought...well, it pertains to me, to an extent."
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] "Not at all. I just finished giving Ray the formal welcoming speech."
There's an easy charisma about Lukas, hideous voice or not, that almost belies the notorious reputation of his tribe. There's a strength about him too, though. The way he carries himself. The directness of his stare. And the rage, thick and ferocious, that all but fills the small enclosure of his room.
"Ray can probably repeat the pertinent ground rules to you later on. Or I can email you. But come in. You mentioned being of assistance. What'd you mean?"
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] (i don't want to give this speech twice in one scene *LOL* but assume that some version of this spiel gets to Leslie in one form or another -- )
"I'm the alpha of our tribe in this city. That means that until you hear otherwise from me, I am your guardian.
"I don't intend to meddle in your life any more than I need to. I won't hound you to find out what you are doing every moment of the day. As long as you stay out of trouble, you can do what you want -- with a few exceptions.
"First, if a Garou of another tribe courts you, however, you will inform me whether or not he wants to. If any Garou wants to claim you as mate or ward, they have to come to me first.
"Second, if you require protection or help, come to me. I will do everything I can to aid you, so long as it does not interfere with my duty to the War. If you get in trouble, come to me. It'll go better for all involved if I hear it from you before I hear it from whomever you may have offended. If you can't find me, look for my pack, the Unbroken. Other tribemates may be able to direct you to me as well, or Ahrouns of the Sept.
"Finally, I may request aid or services on occasion for the sake of the war. I promise you: I will not make frivolous demands. But if I ask something of you, I will expect to receive it."
to Leslie Chadwick
[Ray Ostermann] *Ray shakes her hand when she offers it and offers the chair as well, a bit of a gentleman apparently before moving to and leaning against the wall. He curious what she has to offer. And he waits with a calm form of curiousity as he watches Leslie*
[Leslie Chadwick] Leslie shook Ray's hand with a a firm grip, all too used to the practice. "I will give you my card then Wyrmbreaker-rhya." She held her hand out a moment longer, but wouldn't find any insult if the Garou didn't return the gesture. "Well, I have to my name, a bit of money...that I would have no issue funding a few things for the locals." she looked up and over from Ray to Lukas with almost a playful look as she bit at her lower lip. "I mean, within reason, such things aren't inexhaustible. But I'm given a rather ample allowance when it comes down to it."
"Of course I have other, more practical skills, however, not knowing the situation...I probably shouldn't say more. Though if you're in need of any political racketeering, I would be more than happy and able to intervene."
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] Leslie's hand is taken. Lukas's grip is firm without crushing; a good strong handshake. When he lets go, he isn't surprised to see Ray offers up the sole chair in the room.
"That could definitely come in handy," he replies. "You should both be aware that the Sept is preparing to go to war against a Spiral Hive in the north. From what we know, the Hive has sunk its claws pretty deep into its surrounding communities. So it'll take more than just claws and teeth to start loosening its grip. Ray has numerous business connections; combined with your political clout, that could really open some doors and get some things done.
"Let me give you the contact information for my mate." He picks the small pad of paper off his bed and write the digits again. Tearing the sheet free, he hands it to Leslie. "Dani&+269;ka has been setting up a kinfolk coalition to help organize the kin of the Sept, and also to make them a more effective force in the war. You should introduce yourselves to her and tell her what you told me. I'm sure she'll find a way to put you to work.
"It's also a good way to link in with your fellow kinsmen and kinswomen."
[Ray Ostermann] *Ray's face lights up at her mention of both money and political clout. He gives the woman another once over and just smiles, its a mixture between a warm friendly grin and that of a wolf who's got a nasty idea in his head*
"Leslie....i think we might work well together."
[Leslie Chadwick] Leslie takes in the information given to her and nods, humming slightly as she takes the offered phone number. "Of course, of course, I will be certain to do that, is there a time that's good to catch her at?" She gave the piece of paper a quick once over before folding it carefully and sticking it in her pocket. "I'm more than happy to help."
Looking almost surprised that a chair was offered to her, she cocked a brow and took a cautious seat, folding her hands in her lap. "Well I hope so. I'd love to hear any ideas you might have Mr. Ostermann." She looked him over a bit, he had that devious look of a man with too many ideas. She liked that.
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] "Evenings and weekends. I believe the kin coalition meets semiregularly, too. She'll give you the details."
A quick flick of his eyes to his bedside clock radio, and then Lukas stands.
"Regrettably, I have to cut this short. I'm glad to have met both of you. If either of you need to get in contact with me, give me a call or leave a message in my mailbox. In the meantime, please, enjoy the hospitality of the Brotherhood."
[about to head home, guys!]
[Ray Ostermann] ((No worries Damon)) "We can do lunch." *He says, like its almost a dirty joke before laughing warm, rich, and full of anticipation as he pulls out a card of his own and hands it to her. The title on it says Broker, but theres no way that title is entirely true. When Lukas stands he nods and moves to step out of the room, well aware that the meeting was over.*
[Leslie Chadwick] "Good, I love love lunch." If it was innuendo he'd like to make, well, Leslie wasn't so prudish to make a joke back before smirking some. "Ah, wonderful. And here you go..." with a flick into her pocket, she pulls out her own card, handing it to Ray. "...but please dear, try to call at a godly hour." she makes a playful warning before waving to leaving Ray, and heading out. Only pausing to say goodbye to Lukas.
"Thank you so much for the warm greeting Wyrmbreaker-rhya."
[Lukas Wyrmbreaker] [aw, you guys can keep playing! i just need to go home *dies* thanks for the RP, guys!]
"Thanks for dropping by," he returns.
It turns out he follows them out into the hall, latching his door behind him. Yet where they might linger in the commons or head downstairs, Lukas goes upstairs -- to the deserted third floor, and then out to the roof to leave by way of the Umbra.
10 years ago