[Sinclair] She has her baseball bat. Her baseball bat, not the Christmas gift a certain Fang kinswoman gave her. That has been shipped elsewhere. Sinclair's just standing on the sidewalk with her packmates, bat slung over her shoulders, wrists hanging over it, looking into what is, what will become, Bellamonte Park.
"Dibs on patrolling," she says.
[Kate] Oh what a difference a near month could make when you were a Bellamonte.
That being, one who could afford to channel degrees of wealth and long-standing connections to the financial and building sectors into a newly purchased parcel of land long neglected in a poorer locale of your city. What the gathered stood before was a chain-link fence with a hefty padlock on it through which they could see a partially completed park land in the process of being built.
The stone fountain base had been laid, and a grand gazebo erected in the centre of the lot, beyond it was a children's play area; swing set, slide and sand pit not yet filled. Benches and tables had been neatly stacked in a corner ready to be nailed in place once the grass had been sowed. Katherine's breath misted before her as she unlocked the fence and gently pushed it open.
"It will not be quite ready until the warmer months roll in, but that is, I believe, a blessing."
Inside, a sign had been erected that established the land as being that of Bellamonte Park, in loving memory of Christopher Bellamonte.
[Lukas] "Bellamonte Park," Lukas intones. The Shadow Lord is warmly dressed, imposing and dark. "Feeling charitable suddenly, or are we setting Gabriella up for a run for political office?"
[Joss Lehrer] Ever since Kate had told her about this little project, and asked for her help, Joss has been swinging by regularly to check on the progress, watching with no small amount of delight as it all started to come together.
And then, then? The swingset arrived, which is why Joss is currently standing at the fence, her hands wrapped through the links, looking at the delights that will be known as Bellamonte park. It's almost written in a bubble above her head how close she is to just scaling the fence just to be the first to give that swingset a try.
Because the Godi? Is weird.
Voices pull her attention away toward the gate where the other's have gathered, and she snatches her hands away from the fence like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
[Kate] Katherine's expression shadows, grows more subdued than normal.
"Gabriella has left, Lukas. She does not wish to be an active member of the family at present," Stiffly, she turned the lock over in her gloved palms. "So, no. This is not for her, this is for all of us." Katherine starts forward, then turns as she notices another figure, peering in through the chain-link fence. The Silver Fang lifted a hand in salute to the Theurge Elder.
"You have wonderful timing, rhya, we are about to take a glimpse inside the park," she calls, and gestures for Joss to join them.
[Sinclair] Sinclair turns her head and blinks at what Kate says, her eyebrows drawing together. "Wow," is all she says, and frowns more deeply as she turns away.
A moment later she swings the bat down, whistling softly.
[Joss Lehrer] Caught for sure! She grins, looking not at ALL chagrined by the way she'd been spying, and tucks her hands into the pockets of her skirts. She is as she always is - her only concession to the cold being the tights under her her skirts, and a second layer under her sweater, a knit hat that keeps her dreads somewhat in control, and the gloves on her hands.
"It's going to be amazing, Katherine." said with a grin as she joins the group.
[Lukas] Lukas cocks an eyebrow at the news. Then he looks past the cool blonde to the eccentric Godi. The Shadow Lord's expression softens with a smile, Joss's excitement unmistakable.
"I think Kate was about to give us the grand tour. Join us, won't you."
[Lukas] Left? The conversation shifts to the totem. To go where?
to Kate, Sinclair, Theron Locke
[Theron Locke] Theron is the late arrival, slowly making his way from his car. Making his way into the park as he takes it all in. But was that Gossamer Wing ...his Elder ..over on that swing .. nah.. not possible. Alas it was discovered that it was her, which left the Shadow Lord Theurge even more perplexed.
Finding the others he nods in greeting "Kate... you have done amazing things here."
[Kate] She is still in the city, I followed her to Grant Park only last night and asked her that very thing. They get a flash of the events themselves, then. Katherine's pained expression as she begged her sibling to confide in her how she could help, Gabriella's momentary indecision and then the words that had cut her elder sibling a great deal: "If I thought you would hear anything I said, I would have spoken and not acted. Leave me be."
She does not wish my help, nor my protection, so be it.
to Lukas, Sinclair, Theron Locke
[Joss Lehrer] Sometimes, it's very hard to remember that she's a Fostern, that she's more than any normal 18 year old girl. Sometimes, it's hard to remember that she's just a girl, a teenage girl, with a healthy zest for life and a delight in the simple things - like ice cream, dancing in the streets, and swingsets. She also enjoys long walks on the beach, chick flicks, action movies and popcorn, and watching the moon rise over Maelstrom - but that's neither here nor there.
"Of course! I've been considering scaling that fence to take a sneak peak. This is a much better plan." Her grin is mischievous, and almost impossible to resist.
[Kate] Truth's Meridian walks into the park, past the sign proclaiming its origins and purpose and heads up to the Gazebo, her boots crunching over snow and recently-turned over earth. The steps of the Gazebo resound as she climbs them, the wood freshly coated and the rich timber scent still strong. She moves around to offer the other Garou with her a view of their surroundings, and begins to point out the various attractions that either shall exist, or, in some manner, already do.
"In the far corner there shall be a pond filled with fish and water lilies, along the back wall you can see the playground already set," she glances side-long at Gossamer Wing, her white teeth flashing in the moonlight a beat before she continues on. "There shall be a picnic corner over there with a grill, and another over there," she turns and gestures to her left.
She then crosses and rests a palm on the wooden railing to her right. "And here shall be a fountain, already they have dug out and set the basin in for it." The Half Moon's expression is distant, thoughtful. "I have hopes that it shall be useful in some manner, that it might placate the spirits that were so unhappy with its former state."
[Sinclair] That's a copout, Kate, lashes the Galliard, upon hearing Gabbie's words echoing through Kate's head. Don't let her pin her own weakness on you.
to Kate, Lukas, Theron Locke
[Theron Locke] Theron makes a hurried entrance into the park, having arrived moments ago "Sorry I'm late all". His eyes making their way around the park, as he takes in all the sites, "Kate... you are going to do amazing things here.". And then he turns to the person not of his pack... A perplexed look as he sees that his Auspice Elder has joined them "Evening ryha."
[Lukas] What the hell happened to Gabriella? Lukas wonders -- well, not aloud. She's had a fresh rebellion every other month since I met you three, but this persecution complex is all new.
to Kate, Sinclair, Theron Locke
[Theron Locke] Theron simply listens into the totemphone conversation. Not knowing the full details of what happened, he feels it better to remain silent.
to Kate, Lukas, Sinclair
[Kate] I wish I knew, I truly do. She has always been one for the dramatics, pretending sickness, running away and hiding in closets so that our parents worried for her to garner their attention. With Edward and I both Full Bloods, their focus was frequently upon us, but it never seemed to truly bother Gabriella. She had such dreams for what her own life would be.
But; she is an adult in her own right now. If she feels so stifled by her life with us, than she can go and try to be free elsewhere. But, I fear, she will never outrun her blood. How can she?
to Lukas, Sinclair, Theron Locke
[Sinclair] The lot of them -- that is, the Unbroken -- are being rather quiet as they observe the park through the gate, waiting for Katherine to let them in. The tease. Sinclair is letting her baseball bat lightly sway beside her leg, staring inside. She's dressed warmly, warm as someone unused to temperatures this low. Her jeans are straight-legged and held onto her body with a black belt with a copper-toned buckle. There's that green hat yanked down over her head again, yellow hairs sticking out here and there. Lord knows how many layers she has on under her coat, which looks like it was picked up at an Army surplus store.
She kinda looks homeless.
"Openopenopenopenopen," she says, and bumps into Kate with one shoulder.
[Sinclair] She's of legal age to vote in the United States, Sinclair says in their thoughts, a bit flatly, but that doesn't make her an adult.
A pause. It's one thing to seek freedom. It's another to cut off your family.
to Kate, Lukas, Theron Locke
[Sinclair] [Delete the following: "through the gate, waiting for Katherine to let them in. The tease." and the line of dialogue, but not the bump.]
[Joss Lehrer] She laughs as Kate singles her out with that flash of smile, since she was the one that requested it. "Once the fountain is in place, I'd be happy to make sure the spirits are happy with it all." Of course, that might just mean her playing IN the fountain, much as she does the giant ones in the park in the summer. But then again, she's weird. And possibly crazy.
Theron gets a quick wink. "Theron."
And then? With a flash of a grin she turns and makes a dash for the swing set. Someone has to be the first, after all - to... uh... make sure they're safe. An Elder's job is never done.
[Lukas] That she can never outrun her blood is exactly my concern, Lukas puts in. [i]She's Silver Fang; you're the Elder of the Tribe and her sister besides. Her running away and refusing your wardship is an act of open rebellion. If you let her get away with it, you'll look weak and unable to control your kin.
I think you'll need to either drag her back kicking and screaming -- or else cut her off completely. And by that I mean, publically and irrevocably declare her no longer a kin of your Tribe.
to Kate, Sinclair, Theron Locke
[Lukas] Lukas follows Kate into her new park, looking around dutifully at the locations of the future pond; the future picnic area; the future fountain. He laughs under his breath as Joss goes for the swingset.
Then he nods at Sinclair's baseball bat. "Don't suppose you actually have a hardball to go with that?"
[Sinclair] Well, not to mention she's wellbred as fuck all and liable to get kidnapped by the first Spiral that sniffs her, Sinclair says, which takes Lukas's rather knifelike estimation of the situation and twists it. She could try snitting about how her big sister doesn't listen to her then, but I don't think it'll help her much.
to Kate, Lukas, Theron Locke
[Sinclair] For a moment it seems like Sinclair hasn't even heard Lukas. Her eyes are scanning the park thoughtfully but a bit distantly. Truth be told, her eyes often look a bit distant. It's their coloring, as pristine blue as Lukas and Kate's but so much paler that they're nearly opaque, a bit unreal.
Then she turns her head and lifts an eyebrow at Lukas. In answer, she digs into one of the pockets of that big, bulky jacket and produces a stained baseball, the stitching starting to fray. "Hope you play better than you swim," she quips, and tosses it to him.
[Kate] There's a mental sigh. Gabriella wants to be cut off from her family, her every action lately declares it so, but how can I do such a thing to my own flesh and blood, Lukas? How can I look myself in the eye and know that I have left her to whatever fates chooses for her?
I am.. too tired of this cat and mouse game she plays with me. It began well before Chicago, but it increases tenfold by the day. First Buried Hatchet, then Sam, then Fons, then this. Everywhere I turn she is somehow undermining my attempts to guard her, to keep her safe. Edward is useless in this capacity, we all know it. He would ply her with milk and cookies and pat her on the head.
to Lukas, Sinclair, Theron Locke
[Sinclair] Want me to beat her up for you? My parents used to have to spank me every Sunday morning before church or else I'd be a little shitstick all week for no damn reason.
to Kate, Lukas, Theron Locke
[Lukas] Lukas catches the baseball. "I don't," he replies with a faint, crooked smile. Then he tosses it in Joss's direction. "How about you, Joss? Want to take a few swings?"
[Theron Locke] Theron leaves his packmates to their discussions and makes his way over to the set of swings. Walking behind them as he extends his arms out and gives Joss a push the next time she is swinging in her backward arc "Hey.. figured someone needed to come give you a push. Can't get airborn otherwise" he laughs a soft chuckle
"What brings you out here tonight rhya?"
[Joss Lehrer] Lukas calls her and she turns - just in time to catch the baseball. She laughs and lops it back. "No thanks! There's SWINGS!"
And then she's reached her destination, and takes the closest swing and settles into it, kicking off. When she swings backwards, she finds Theron there to push her, and if ever there could be said sunshine exists in a smile - it's true of the Godi. Simple things - that's all it takes. "It's like flying..." Mused, softly. Amused, assuredly.
"Just Joss, Theron. Especially while you're touching my behind." Timed perfectly with his next push, of course. "I've been watching the progress - Kate asked my help at the beginning to cleans the area... the swings are my reward. And you?"
[Kate] Abruptly, Katherine's lips twitch and she laughs softly, a light silvery sound. She is leaning her elbows on the railing of the Gazebo, looking down on her pack-mates and the Theurge elder, testing out the new swing-set. "I would be most grateful if you, and Theron, would watch over the spirits of the park, rhya. Make certain they are pleased with it. God knows the neighborhood has little else to recommend it."
She raises a fair brow, and then glances between Lukas and Sinclair.
"Would it be worth mentioning that I have consulted on an extension to the Loft's indoor pool?" She glances idly at her gloves, sliding one off to examine her nail-beds. "I am sure such a thing would not interest Warcry."
[Lukas] Kate, you've done your utmost for her. She's flouted your authority -- and your love -- over and over, and the reason she dares is because she think you'll never truly allow her to come to harm.
She's made her choice, I say. You need to put your foot down, one way or another.
to Kate, Sinclair, Theron Locke
[Sinclair] The ball goes from Sinclair to Lukas to Joss and back to Lukas. The Galliard is holding up her hand to catch it should the Lord toss her her way again when Kate idly mentions that she's at least very seriously considering extending the pool in the Loft.
If the ball is coming at her, it misses solely because Sinclair isn't there anymore. She's letting out a shriek so girlish it might startle the packmates that most often see her blood-covered, and when she runs at the Fang, she's clearly not going to just hug her.
The baseball bat, at least, is dropped.
[Dex + Athletics: Body tackle. No attack.]
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6) Re-rolls: 1
[Kate] [Dex + Ath "ACK"]
Dice Rolled:[ 4 d10 ] 2, 5, 5, 10 (Success x 1 at target 6)
[Lukas] Lukas's reaction isn't quite so evident. Or rather -- it's not quite so quick. When Sinclair goes flying at Kate, he's still staring in disbelief. A second later the words go through, click, make sense, and Lukas -- grateful creature that he is --
throws the baseball at Kate. A good hard throw, too, that smacks off her side unless she miraculously catches it.
"You sly little shit! You were so damn noncommittal when I forwarded you those quotes! And that was two days ago!" He bursts into laughter.
[Kate] The noise Sinclair makes is enough to raise Katherine's eyebrows hiiiigh above her hairline. She is already trembling with the effort of containing the laughter that threatens to bubble from her throat even as the Glass Walker charges at her and bodily tackles her. The Philodox lets loose a torrent of girlish laughter, and her arms come around her pack-mate to, if nothing more, steady herself.
"I do believe she's pleased with the notion, non?" Katherine asks a touch breathlessly, eyes sparkling, then sticks out her tongue as Lukas lobs the baseball at her and it bounces off her jean-clad thigh.
[Sinclair] The fact that Sinclair keeps her balance and footing with little to no effort means two things: Katherine, were she not quick on the uptake and more than a bit graceful, likely would have been knocked to the ground by the sheer force of the tackle. Also, holding onto Sinclair is probably for the best, as she doesn't so much as waver.
She's shorter than Katherine, if only by a few inches, and clinging to her around the waist, shoulders hunched over and a bright grin cast past her breasts over at the Shadow Lord. "POOL!" is all she has to say, yelling it rather loudly.
[Theron Locke] Theron's olive skinned faces receives some colour then from the faint blush that spreads out onto his face "I didn't ... I didn't mean to" and the normally cocky, smart mouth Lord is at a loss for words. "but... Joss it is" he says finally.
"As for me... I'm just lending moral support to this project. Seeing I failed to come up with the correct answer that resulted in this undertaking. Figured the least I could do was to lend her a hand."
[Joss Lehrer] She laughs, delighted to get such a rise out of him, as she leans into each swing, her skirts and dreads flying with the effort. "I was teasing Theron. How else would you push me?"
She listens to the rest, and when she's at the highest part of her arc, leans back to look at him, before adjusting to the falling motion of the swing easily, so as not to hit him on the way down. "It's going to be beautiful. I'm sure she appreciates your help. I'd love to hear the story of how it came to be, sometime.."
[Lukas] Lukas's footsteps crunch through the light crust of snow. He bends to pick up the baseball where it'd rolled, dusting it off. "POOL," he repeats, goodnaturedly mocking, "where you'll teach me to swim faster so I don't lose so embarrassingly all the time.
"I'd hang up a sign demanding swimwear at all times, though, Kate. You don't want to know what Keith's been doing in that pool."
[Theron Locke] Just shakes his head, the embarassment gradually fading "Well yeah I guess so.". Standing there as he listens to the various conversations around him, picking up tidbits .. something about a pool.
"That it is... it will be good to see some green after so much white. A story isn't a story unless it's shared, so yeah sometime I'd love to share it. Hopefully you've got one of your own, I'm sure they'd be fascinating."
[Kate] Katherine, still adorned with a waist-high Glass Walker, cocks her head at her Alpha. "Oh, so? And what has my tribesman been doing in my pool that requires such notification, Lukas?"
[Sinclair] "God," Sinclair says to Lukas, letting go of Katherine and plucking her ball out of the snow, "you are such a prude."
[Joss Lehrer] She grins at him as she continues to swing, leaning back to let her dreads trail along the ground, watching the sky.
"Fascinating? I'm not so sure. Though there is the time I summoned Astraea. And of course, getting my ass kicked by Uktena at the moot - that was pretty awesome. But I don't know about fascinating..."
She's still teasing him, most likely - even if she did do those things, and more.
[Kate] Katherine, meanwhile moves to collect the baseball bat and grips it experimentally, swinging it back and forth somewhat awkwardly. It's like watching a dog walk on its hind legs, honestly.
[Lukas] The ball is no longer in the snow; it's in Lukas's hand. Seeing her looking for it, Lukas tosses it back at the Galliard.
"Maybe I better not say," he demurs, "let Kate have the bliss of ignorance and all."
[folks i'm getting tired! i'm probably bowing out soon.]
[Sinclair] Sinclair catches the ball, which is no shock. There's snow on her fingertips from going to grab it only to find it gone. She eyes Kate swinging the bat and laughs. "I think you might want to tell her when she's not holding a large oak stick."
[Kate] "Reveal your secrets, Shadow Lord!" She points the bat at Lukas, her lips curving to a grin, she lowers it after a moment's thought and lifts her face to feel the kiss of snowflakes as they brush against her cheeks on their journey toward the hard packed earth.
"The snow begins again, perhaps it is time to head back to the Brotherhood?"
Then: Katherine gleams a little at Sinclair, and hefts her baseball bat onto a shoulder. "Does it not look well on me? I could adjust to it, I believe." She begins to crunch her way over the snowy earth, back toward the Gazebo and beyond.
[Lukas] "Another time," Lukas says, smiling, "when you're not looking well with an oak stick in your hand."
He looks over at Theron, then back to Sinclair and Kate. "Looks like Theron's still wrapped up with his auspice elder. Come on."
And on totemphone -- Theron, we're heading back to the BroHo. Catch up with us later.
[Theron Locke] "Well who are we to judge our own deeds, that's best left to others to determine what they this is grand. interesting..fascinating " and then he nods "Yes I remember Uktena.. I guess that was an easy lesson to learn from."
"But still as I am a Theurge still learning so much. I'm sure you've got many things to be shared that I could benefit from. For a price of course... maybe another push of the swing" and then he breaks into a soft chuckle.
[Sinclair] [Sinclair's just gonna follow Kate and Lukas. I'm going braindead. *L* Sorry, guys. Thank you for the RP!]
[Lukas] (on that note, i'm hitting the sack early. thanks for the RP, all!)
10 years ago