[Joey] The wind picks up, and becomes a force to be reckoned with. Joey is still laughing (you'd think she'd be running out of air by now). Leave it to a Godi to call on the spirits to help her in a game of tag. It's a game, but it's a game being played by otherworldly creatures, after all. There's no harm in calling on what gifts and spirits are willing to aid them, right?
Joey had slowed herself down in order to make the game a little more fair for her new and older friends. Now with the wind as her opponent kicking dirt and debris at her, she kicks up the speed again. Why be fair?
This was Garou tag! There are no rules, and there are no pulled punches.
[Runnin'! dex + ath, -2 diff ability apt is back on! +2 diff for wind]
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 1, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Joss Lehrer] (Ima comin for ya Charlie!)
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 3, 4, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Noooo!]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 2, 2, 3, 4, 8 (Success x 1 at target 8)
[Joss Lehrer] (Tackle Charlie!)
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 4, 4, 5, 8, 8, 10 (Success x 2 at target 6) Re-rolls: 1
[Joss Lehrer] (stay up!)
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 2, 5, 5, 7, 7, 8 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Athletics+Dexterity: Stay Up!]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 5, 5, 5, 6, 8 (Success x 1 at target 8)
[Joss Lehrer] (Damage! - and is nice and NOT using Eagles Might. Yet.)
Dice Rolled:[ 3 d10 ] 1, 4, 7 (Failure at target 6)
[Joss Lehrer] (fuck that - Hey Eagle! Wanna play TAG?!)
Dice Rolled:[ 4 d10 ] 3, 3, 8, 9 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Mother of god.]
Dice Rolled:[ 3 d10 ] 6, 7, 9 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Joss Lehrer] The wind IS quite enamoured of the Godi, and slows Charlie just enough so that she can catch, and tag - though she goes for the tackle instead. Successful, she manages to stay up, and even thought she invites Eagle to play for a bit of added strength, Charlie shakes it off as if it's nothing. No bruising, but? Still a solid tag.
She winks at him, pats his shoulder again, then turns and bolts away again. "You're it!"
(i'm RUNNIN!)
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 2, 4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6) Re-rolls: 2
[Joey] Joey knows that someone's watching their game. She knows, and that's all the thought she gives the tall coffee drinking stranger who doesn't seem the least bit surprised that there's a sudden gusting of wind in Oz Park. Her mind is on the game.
Charlie's it again. She waits until he's on his feet again. And then the Rotagar is running.
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 2, 3, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9 (Success x 6 at target 6)
[Charlie] Charlie didn't play much as a kid.
No, scratch that. To say that Charlie didn't play much as a kid would be implying that he had ever been a child, and that just isn't the case. He was born a monster, and by the time he was old enough to acquire the ability to walk the earth in the guise of a human, he appeared as a teenager to the rest of the world. In between simply surviving and learning how to read and heal and fight there had not been enough room for this sort of carefree physical activity, and when there was, there was no one around who was overly concerned with cutting loose and acting ridiculous once and a while.
He's taken to it easily enough. If anything he's looking at it as an opportunity to work on his endurance and his agility, and it's getting his heart rate up. If he could just burn off some of this Rage that's got his hackles so raised, this would be quite the game.
[Athletics+Dexterity: I'mma GET YOU! +2 diff (wind).]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 2, 2, 7, 9, 9 (Success x 2 at target 8)
[Joss Lehrer] Joey is fast. DAMN fast. And so she helps a brother out... The elementals are still hampering charlie, and Joey is still running through like they're not even there- it's a simple command...
...to refocus them on hampering the roadrunner over there....
(command spirit!)
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 1, 3, 3, 6, 7 (Success x 1 at target 7) [WP]
[Marrick Fisher] "Ewan!"
She came back just in time to see him sipping coffee and observing. The Fury stops running,and she doesn't even seem as though she is out of breath, or really tired.It is more testament to her will than her strength of body, but the two were so intertwined that it was hard to tell.
"Come play."
[Joey] The wind intensifies it's efforts against the Rotagar, doing everything it can to hinder her speed.
Joey throws up an arm to protect her eyes. She actually stops, looks around to assess the positions of the others.
And then she's off again.
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 2, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 3 at target 7)
[Charlie] [WEEEOOO!]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 1, 1, 4, 9, 10 (Failure at target 8)
[Charlie] [Should'a been diff 6. Retrying anyway.]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 (Success x 2 at target 7)
[Joey] [still runnin'! stamina + ath diff 3 (wind)]
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 2, 2, 4, 6, 6, 7, 10 (Success x 2 at target 7)
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan raised his brows and then nodded. Turning the cup up he chugged the rest of the coffee. Extended the arm to the side and dropped the cup in a trash can. Then reached up to turn his ball cap around backwards, and then grinned. Jogging out into the melee and keeping an eye on the womens*
[Charlie] [Still running!]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 2, 3, 6, 6, 9 (Success x 4 at target 6) [WP]
[Charlie] [Brawl+Dexterity: Tackle!]
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 2 at target 7)
[Charlie] [Athletics+Dexterity: Stay Up!]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 1, 2, 5, 8, 8 (Success x 1 at target 6)
[Joey] [Stay up!: Dex + ath]
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Damage!] [B]
Dice Rolled:[ 3 d10 ] 5, 7, 8 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Joey] [SOAK!]
Dice Rolled:[ 3 d10 ] 6, 8, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Charlie] Joss directs the elementals to take their energy off of the metis and refocus on Joey, and it manages to slow the Rotagar down just enough that with a burst of focus, he's able to catch up to her. He makes an attempt to tackle her that does not wind up taking her down to the ground or bruising her, but she can feel his Rage crackling in the air behind her. He's physically exhausted, he's mentally drained, and she's seen him when he isn't getting enough rest and his Rage has not been depleted to match the rest of him.
Granted, he hasn't been knocked to the ground by the sudden weight of an Ahroun's anger piled on his thin shoulders, but there are still days when the mild-mannered Theurge struggles with that newly-heightened fire burning in the pit of him.
Today's going to wind up being one of those days.
[Joey] [You need a break, Charlie boy?: percept + emp]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan got out onto the field and then paused, bent at the hips with his hands on his knees, watching*
[Joey] Joey has seen Charlie when he hasn't gotten enough sleep. She knows that his rage is more powerful than it had been when they first met, that he still struggles under the weight of it from time to time. And he's been off today, twitchy and rage crackling.
She's breathless with laughter by this point, and from running against Godi-called wind elementals. But she's not so out of it that she doesn't notice that there's still something off about her friend. She doesn't ask if he's alright, doesn't draw attention to it. She simply pats him on the shoulder reassuringly, straightens, and stretches. The Rotagar doesn't leave Charlie's side. The newcomer is given an upward lift of her chin in greeting.
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan returns the nod and watches them. Glassy clear blue eyes shifting from one to the other*
[Joss Lehrer] Her friends whip away from Joey once she's caught, and Joss stops running laughing in delight. She finds herself surrounded as the wind kicks up in a little mini twister of grabby spirit fingers tugging at her dreads, her skirts, her very being, and she just spreads her arms, tips her head back, and closes her eyes...
A few moments later they dissipate, as if they had never been there at all. All that's left is Joss's laughter, and the delighted shine of mischief in bright blue eyes as she opens them again.
[Marrick Fisher] The Fury stretches a little, and then reaches into her front pocket to check the time again. Something about this seems to please her, and she nods. The time was unimportant, and she seemed content to call it for now-
"'kay, guys, I'm callin' it. I'm hungry," she announces. "I say we take five, get burgers, and readdress this whole tag thing when we've eaten shit."
[Charlie] [Alright, guys, T-minus 10 until I drop an ST post. Just a head's up, if you haven't posted yourself in yet, do it now!]
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan tilted his head. Then nodded. He was born of the war form. Burned 1000s of calories a day just walking around. Standing straight he reached up to turn the black ballcap back around to the front and pulled it down snug. The gold exclamation point glittering in he dark*
[Sinclair] Young Miss Oliver and young Miss... Warcry are not sufficiently bonded to each other or to their totem to allow them to speak to one another across any distance, any noise, with nothing but thought. However, there is this much: they can find each other minutely faster than they could find anyone else. They feel each other, sense each other, before anyone else notices.
Joey, therefore, is the first person to know that Sinclair is coming. She is the first one to notice the athletic blonde walking their general direction. As with Joey, the weather here is officially Cold Enough To Signal The Apocalypse, as far as Sinclair is concerned. She is no longer walking around in cutoffs and tank tops. She's in jeans, sneakers, and a long-sleeved thermal shirt underneath a Tool t-shirt. The thermal was once white: it is dingy now. The cuffs used to be intact: it has thumb-holes now, the hems crossing her palms instead of her wrists. She has a crocheted winter beanie with ear flaps, the long ties left dangling and her pale hair sticking out from underneath the green and gray yarn.
[Joss Lehrer] She laughs and makes her way over - hey! THERE'S her coffee! - to Marrick, stopping only to grab her coffee cup on the way buy and gulp the much cooled liquid within.
"That? Was some of the most fun I've had in days."
[Charlie] There's never any warning.
Even on a day like today, when tempers are held in check despite the swelling crest of the moon overhead and there's some semblance of fun to be had on a windy, cold Saturday afternoon, the War is not forgotten. They live in a city, in an age, where just walking down the street and stumbling upon the Wyrm had claimed the lives of four of their own this summer. There are four spaces where dirt has been freshly turned, four new stone slabs signifying who is eternally resting beneath the earth, and those are not to be the last four to fall to the twisting of fate.
While the Garou are engaged in their game of tag, they may or may not be too distracted to realize that the city has gone quiet around them. What animals had been moving about in the trees or the bushes have gone silent; there are no birds chirping, no squirrels scurrying about in preparation for winter, no children laughing.
As a matter of fact, there don't appear to be too many humans milling about anymore, if any. The Rage present on this patch of grass had been too much for those who had been braving the cold weather for an afternoon stroll, and now that the rain is preparing to come down in a frigid drizzle, those who had been out have returned to their cars and the bus stations to brave the trek back home.
Several of them are bruised and battered, or they're drained, or they're otherwise prepared to call it a day. Some of them are just arriving on the scene. But they can all feel it in the air. Something's coming.
[For those of you I haven't ST'd for before or it's been a while, here are Dorn's Ground Rules&+8482;:
1. Keep your declares and inits to 3 minutes unless you are asking me questions.
2. If you have questions, privately IM me (new AIM SN is 'dornkicksass' for those of you I haven't added... it's changed again!). Do not ask questions in the chat or in PMs; I probably won't see them.
3. If I make a mistake, I appreciate having it pointed out to me; if someone else makes a mistake and I don't catch it, just let it go.
4. If you could IM me your character's current health level or active Gifts/talens now, that would be great.
Next round starts as soon as everyone has posted at least once. I will not be posting again until everyone else has. Weeoo!]
[Wyrmbreaker] It's raining, and abruptly cool. Standing on the streetcorner, Lukas is waiting for the crosswalk light to change. He has a coffee cup in hand -- not Starbucks; something local. His car is parked on the opposite side of the street.
Something's in the air. It's the way the city hushes, and the way even the rain seems to fall a little softer. There's a sense of a collectively held breath.
Wyrmbreaker looks around. He can see a group of his septmates down the street. He changes his mind on going back to his car and walks toward them instead.
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan was dressed for the cold. Or what he preceived as cold. He was born in the sept out side of Phenoix, and like some others here thought the Chicago winters were hell on earth. Black converse alllstars, jeans with a knee blown out and thermals on under, a dark gray long sleeve teeshirt with a crimson short sleeved teeshirt over it with "Welcome to the Next Level" on it. Over it was a Canadian Digital Cammo army jacket two sizes too large. A black ball cap with gold exclimation point was on his head.
Glancing around he nodded to Sinclair as she approached. His glassy clear blue eyes surveying the growing conglom of garou present. Pausing for a moment, he looked 'Up' for any impending danger. Long held habit of one that himself, liked to drop out of the sky unaware*
[Joss Lehrer] (rolling troll skin, with STs permission)
Dice Rolled:[ 4 d10 ] 8, 9, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 7)
[Joss Lehrer] Something's coming. Her laughter dies in her throat and she tips her head, and does a slow circle. She can feel it. Part of what she's looking for is to see if she's the only one who can feel it - the tension is crawling up along her back, her neck, her spine is straight, her body is suddenly tense when just a few minutes ago she was relaxed completely.
And she hums, idly.... i can feel it comin' in the air tonight, oh lord.... under her breath.
She knows that feeling - it's never good. As such, she takes percausions, and suddenly, she is covered with warty skin and smelling...whew. Pungent. yum.
[Joey] Joey stretches her arms out to the sides and rotates her shoulders back. There's the faint sound of vertebrae popping. She rolls her head on her neck a few times, and there are a few more pops and snaps. The blonde Rotagar lifts her head and looks around, and spots her alpha. Her face splits in a grin and she waves to Sinclair.
It's when she looks up, when she's finally no longer distracted from the rest of the world by their furious and frantic game of tag, that she sees how empty the park has gotten. How empty the streets are. How quiet it is. Like the calm before the storm.
There's a pin stuck in the collar of her old grey hoody, black with the symbol for earth. There are other such objects in the pockets of her bomber jacket, forgotten near the statue of the Tin Man. Hopefully she's not going to need them.
[activating soak talen]
Dice Rolled:[ 3 d10 ] 4, 5, 10 (Success x 1 at target 7)
[Marrick Fisher] This is her territory. She should be aware of these things. There is silence enough that Marrick finds a cause for concern. it's cold. There is no sound there is a lack of nature stirring. No laughter, no people coming by. None of the sounds of everday life. Just an unnatural silence, like someone turned off the background noise.
It's suddenly cold. She can feel something in the air, and tension rides over her senses, and immediately, the Fury starts to give any kind of orders.
"Stay close, and whoever's hurt should try to keep with someone as best you can," she stated.
(sense wyrm: WTF?)
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Sinclair] Since she got back into town, things have been tense between Joey and Sinclair. Or rather: they were tense. And then just quiet. They're easing up. Things change. Things always change. It's the essence of their totem, the whole fucking point. Shit has to break. Burn. Scatter. Arguments get forgotten in the wake of devastation; frustrations get accepted and moved past when there is something else to attend to.
Like now. Sinclair heads towards her sister and the others...and her step slows, then hitches. She pauses, looks over her shoulder, then digs around in her pocket til she gets a small pin out like the one Joey is wearing. "Aw, hell naw," she mutters, sticking it into her yanked-down beanie as she picks up her steps again.
She is focusing too hard on it to wave back to Joey, but she does whistle a hello in response.
[soak that shit! that shit that hasn't happened yet!]
Dice Rolled:[ 2 d10 ] 7, 9 (Success x 2 at target 7)
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan looked down from the sky and around. Nodding to the spoken words but reacting more to the Fenrir going ugly and smelly, he called on his own gift to push pain from his mind and body*
(( Resist pain 1 wp spent))
[Wyrmbreaker] (1WP - resist pain
1Gn - bloody bandage
Rolling Gn toward soak talen.)
Dice Rolled:[ 3 d10 ] 3, 5, 10 (Success x 1 at target 7)
[Joey] [1WP Resist Pain]
[Marrick Fisher] Somethign was coming.
Something tainted beyond tainted, and that much she knew. The Fury looked around quicklyto survey her assets. Who did she have, what was she working with, who could she place where, what could she do to make sure that they all madeit through this.
Wyrmbreaker. Sinclair. Ewan. Check
Joey. Jess. Charlie. Marrick. Check.
She calls out to whoever is there, and she speaks with as much authority as her position affords her (because her rank certainly does little good). "Whatever's coming, there's a lot of it. Get ready."
(-1 wp for resist pain)
(rolling gnosis to activate a soak talen!)
Dice Rolled:[ 3 d10 ] 2, 5, 10 (Success x 1 at target 7)
[Sinclair] [-1WP Resist Pain: Well, since everyone is doing it...]
[Ewan Selwyn] *Hearing Marrick he takes a moment to activate one of the bloody bandages in his pocket as well*
(( 1 Gn for bloody bandage))
[Charlie] [Charlie
-1 WP, Resist Pain]
[Charlie] Charlie looks worn out, but he isn't so out of it that he is missing that feeling of impending wrongness that is coming across even those who do not have the Fury's capacity to sense the approach of the Wyrm. He glances across the distance to see if Marrick is feeling the same thing, and then they can all see what it is that has their hair standing on end and their innards turning to ice.
Several of them begin calling on the gifts that Gaia has given them, or calling forth spirits that they have bound into brief servitude, or simply find themselves hurrying towards the epicenter of that creeping horrible feeling, but in any case, they are not completely caught off guard.
They've been being tracked.
They come out from behind a cluster of bushes, their muzzles to the ground and their sinuses pulling for air, bringing with it the scent of pure breeding and Rage. The Rage is what is drawing them to the area. Many of them have never seen anything like this before; others know immediately what it is that they're dealing with.
There are four of them, one larger than the others, all the size of small ponies. They have stumpy legs with powerfully cloven hooves at the end, putrid-smelling gray hides with old war wounds and gaping sore spots in places, tufts of gray hair at the base of their skulls and at the end of their short tails. Their heads, though; their skulls are the stuff of nightmares, would ensure that even were every last mortal in the area not returned to their vehicles and dwellings by now that they would be blocking out what they saw due to their brains not being able to comprehend what is being seen.
The skin on their skulls are pulled so tight as to be translucent. Thick veins pump with dark, dangerous blood, and their eyes are so small and so black that they are almost invisible, hidden by their upright, torn ears. Their tusks are the length of a human male's arm and covered in dried blood, strips of desiccated flesh hanging off like miniature battle flags. They absolutely reek of death, and after they catch the scent, after they raise their heads in victory, their leader throws back his head and looses a howl that sounds like an air raid siren going off.
And they charge.
[Joey] [+8]
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 7
[Sinclair] [+8 WHEE I LIKE KILLIN'!]
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 4
[Marrick Fisher] (6+1d10)
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 2
[Joss Lehrer] (+7)
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 3
[Charlie] [Charlie, +6]
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 2
[Ewan Selwyn] 7
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 9
[Charlie] [The Horde, +7]
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 7
[Wyrmbreaker] (+10, +8)
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 2 (Failure at target 6)
[Charlie] [ROUND ONE -- FIGHT!
Lukas: 20
Ewan: 16
Joey: 15
The Horde: 14
Sinclair: 12
Joss: 10
Marrick: 8
Charlie: 8
Declare in reverse order. Keep declares to 3 minutes unless you have questions. WEEOO!]
[Charlie] [Charlie
Reflexive: Rage-shift to Crinos.
Split Action: Claw/Claw closest piggy. Rage Action: Claw him 'gain!]
[Marrick Fisher] (Declare! -1 rage, snapshift to hispo
1a: -1 rage for spur claws to nearest skull pig
1b: Be a meat shield for Joss and/or Charlie
rage1: continue defense of allies)
[Joss Lehrer] [Reflexive: 1R shift to hispo
spit first action - here piggy piggy!:
1a. bite
1b: bite
1R: another motherfuckin bite.]
[Sinclair] [Reflexive: Snap-shift to Hispo (-1R)
Reflexive: Snarling to Ewan and Joey to attack the same skull pig she's going for
1a: Blind said skull pig
1b: Bite
Rage: Bite skull pig nearest Joss]
[Charlie] [Duncan
Action: Tusk Charlie. Rage Action: Dodge.
Action: Tusk Marrick. Rage Action: Dodge.
Action: Tusk Joss. Rage Action: Dodge.
Action: Tusk Sinclair. Rage Action: Dodge.]
[Joey] [1R shift to hispo
regular: Bite Sinclair's hog
R1: Again!
R2: And again!]
[Ewan Selwyn] Reflexive: Shift to birth form (( crinos)
2 rage spent:
1a: claw "Banquo"
1B claw + Spurclaws
R1: Bite
[Wyrmbreaker] (1R snapshift hispo
2R - actions
Reflexive: telling ewan to take point on leader pig (Duncan), joey sinclair and charlie to flank/back.
telling joss, marrick and himself to each tank one of the other pigs, intercepting them from attacking their current targets if necessary.
1a. chomp banquo
b. taunt banquo
R1. chomp
R2. chomp)
[Wyrmbreaker] 1a. chomp!
dex+brawl+2hispo+1totem-2 split, -1 diff for flanking
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 (Success x 6 at target 4)
[Wyrmbreaker] (damage str+3hispo+2bite+5succ)
Dice Rolled:[ 14 d10 ] 1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 10 (Success x 6 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Banquo
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 7 (Failure at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] 1b. also chomp now. +1 diff, -3 for splits.
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8 (Success x 7 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] (damage +6succ)
Dice Rolled:[ 15 d10 ] 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10 (Success x 8 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Banquo
Nooo I want to liiive!]
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6 (Failure at target 6)
[Charlie] [Banquo
Rage back!]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 2, 3, 3, 5, 8 (Success x 1 at target 8)
[Ewan Selwyn] 1A claw Dex+brawl+1 -2(split) Diff 6
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 8, 9, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6) Re-rolls: 2
[Ewan Selwyn] str+1+3succ
Dice Rolled:[ 11 d10 ] 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 9, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Ewan Selwyn] 1B dex+brawl+1-3(split 2) Diff 6
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6) Re-rolls: 2
[Ewan Selwyn] str+1+3
Dice Rolled:[ 11 d10 ] 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 7, 8 (Failure at target 6)
[Joey] [Bite Duncan's ass: dex + brawl -1 diff for flanking]
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 2, 2, 4, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 7 at target 4)
[Joey] [damage +6 suxx]
Dice Rolled:[ 14 d10 ] 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 9 (Success x 5 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 9, 10 (Success x 5 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Banquo
Action: Brawl+Dexterity: Claw Lukas. +1 diff (changing targets).]
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 9 (Success x 3 at target 7)
[Charlie] [DLP]
[Charlie] [Banquo
Action: Brawl+Dexterity: Tusk Lukas. -5 pool (wound penalty), +1 diff (changing targets).]
Dice Rolled:[ 4 d10 ] 3, 4, 6, 6 (Failure at target 7)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Action: Brawl+Dexterity: Tusk Joss.]
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 1, 3, 4, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Damage: Strength +3 (tusk) +3 (suxx).] [A]
Dice Rolled:[ 11 d10 ] 1, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 9, 9, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Joss Lehrer] Come on baby SOAK - sta+hispo+TS=10
Dice Rolled:[ 10 d10 ] 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 9, 9, 10 (Success x 1 at target 6)
[Marrick Fisher] (soaking for Joss, yay soaking! sta4+hispo3+talen1=8)
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Malcolm
Action: Brawl+Dexterity: Tusk Marrick.]
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 3, 4, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 7 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Malcolm
Damage: Strength +3 (tusk) +6 (suxx).] [A]
Dice Rolled:[ 14 d10 ] 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Marrick Fisher] (eek! Dodge!
dex3+hispo2+dodge2= 7 -3 (split)=4)
Dice Rolled:[ 4 d10 ] 2, 2, 3, 4 (Success x 1 at target 6) [WP]
[Marrick Fisher] (*kicks that aside* soaking instead, don't look at that)
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 8, 8 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Malcolm
Ignore the last damage roll!
Damage: Strength +3 (tusk) +5 (suxx).] [A]
Dice Rolled:[ 13 d10 ] 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 9 at target 6)
[Marrick Fisher] (SOAK! PLEASE!)
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 4, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 7 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Action: Brawl+Dexterity: Tusk Charlie.]
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 4, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10 (Success x 7 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Damage: Strength +3 (tusk) +6 (suxx).] [A]
Dice Rolled:[ 14 d10 ] 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Charlie
Soak: Stamina +3 (Crinos).]
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Delete last damage and soak roll.]
[Charlie] [Duncan
Damage: Strength +3 (tusk) +4 (suxx).] [A]
Dice Rolled:[ 12 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 8 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Charlie
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 3, 7, 7, 10, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Sinclair] [Reflexive: Bark at Joey to drag Charlie out of the way
1a: Bite Duncan // Dex + Brawl + 2Hispo + 1Totem -2Split // -2 diff (back attack)]
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 7, 7, 9, 9, 10 (Success x 3 at target 3) Re-rolls: 1
[Sinclair] [Damage: Str + 3Hispo + 1Totem +2HispoBite + Suxx -1]
Dice Rolled:[ 11 d10 ] 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Sinclair] [1b: Bite Duncan // Dex + Brawl + 2Hispo + 1Totem - 3Split // -2 diff (back attack)]
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 2, 4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 7 at target 3)
[Sinclair] [Damage: Str + 3Hispo + 1Totem +2HispoBite + Suxx -1 PART THE FIRST]
Dice Rolled:[ 10 d10 ] 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 7, 7, 8, 10 (Success x 5 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Sinclair] [Damage: Str + 3Hispo + 1Totem +2HispoBite + Suxx -1 PART THE SECOND]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 3, 3, 3, 4, 5 (Failure at target 6)
[Joss Lehrer] 1a biting whoever the hell is the closest piggy since I lost track. Heh.: dex+brwl+his=8-2(split)
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 (Success x 2 at target 5)
[Joss Lehrer] (HAil MOFO. CHOMP!
Damage - str+EM+his+bite= 11+1= 12.
Dice Rolled:[ 12 d10 ] 2, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 7 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 3, 3, 7, 9, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Joss Lehrer] CHOMP YA AGAIN!
1b - dex+brwl+his=8-3(split)
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 1, 5, 6, 9, 9 (Success x 3 at target 5)
[Joss Lehrer] (damage! HAIL MOFO!)
Dice Rolled:[ 13 d10 ] 1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Charlie
First Split Action: Brawl+Dexterity (+1): Claw Duncan. -2 pool (split), -1 diff (flank).]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 6, 6, 6, 8, 9 (Success x 5 at target 5)
[Charlie] [Charlie
Damage: Strength +4 (Crinos) +1 (claw) +4 (suxx).] [A]
Dice Rolled:[ 12 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 2, 3, 3, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9 (Success x 5 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Charlie
You bastard. -3 pool (split), -1 diff (flank).]
Dice Rolled:[ 4 d10 ] 1, 3, 9, 9 (Success x 1 at target 5)
[Charlie] [Charlie
Damage: Strength +4 (Crinos) +1 (claw) +NOTHING.] [A]
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 8, 8, 10 (Success x 5 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10 (Success x 5 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] R1. spur claws on Donalbain. +1 diff for changing actions. 1R spent on gift.
Dice Rolled:[ 11 d10 ] 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10 (Success x 5 at target 7) Re-rolls: 2
[Wyrmbreaker] (damage +4)
Dice Rolled:[ 12 d10 ] 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10 (Success x 5 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 2, 2, 4, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Rage Action: Dodge+Dexterity: EEE! -1 pool (wound penalty).]
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 (Success x 1 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] (DLP, damage +3)
Dice Rolled:[ 11 d10 ] 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Ewan Selwyn] Ewan Rage 1) Bite. (( Doh! poison blood. Motherfrakers)
Dex+Brawl+1(crinos) Diff 5
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 9 (Success x 5 at target 5)
[Ewan Selwyn] Str+1+4(successes)
Dice Rolled:[ 12 d10 ] 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10 (Success x 7 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 4, 6, 6, 7, 9, 10, 10 (Success x 5 at target 6)
[Ewan Selwyn] soak
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Joey] [according to ST: Charlie will not be dragged
R1: Bitin' on Duncan: dex +1 (Totem) + 2 (Hispo) + brawl, diff -1 (flank)]
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 10, 10 (Success x 5 at target 4)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Dodge! -1 pool (wound penalty).]
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 2, 2, 3, 7, 10, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Joey] [damage +1 suxx]
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 9 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Joey] [SOAK! +1 talen]
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 1, 2, 4, 4, 7, 9, 10 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Sinclair] [Rage: Bite Duncan? // Dex + Brawl // -2 diff (back attack) AND YOUR MOTHER SMELLS OF ELDERBERRIES]
Dice Rolled:[ 11 d10 ] 1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10 (Success x 7 at target 3) Re-rolls: 1
[Sinclair] [Damage: Str + 3Hispo + 1Totem +2HispoBite + Suxx -1 OH YOU LIKE THAT? YOU LIKE THAT, YOU LITTLE BITCH?]
Dice Rolled:[ 15 d10 ] 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9 (Success x 7 at target 6)
[Sinclair] [Soak +1]
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 (Failure at target 6)
[Charlie] [Duncan
Rage back!]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 1, 1, 3, 5, 9 (Failure at target 8)
[Wyrmbreaker] (Lukas: tells everyone on Duncan to repeat the effort on Donalbain. goes tank Malcolm with Marrick.)
[Joss Lehrer] (1 Rage: Another MOtherfuckin BITE! Bite! Full Pool, baby!HAAAAAAAIL!)
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 (Failure at target 5)
[Marrick Fisher] (Bite Malcolm: dex3+hispo2+brawl4= 9, diff 5)
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9 (Success x 7 at target 5)
[Charlie] [Malcolm
Dodge+Dexterity: Wee!]
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Marrick Fisher] (damage! str3+hispo3+bite1+hispobite1+3= 11)
Dice Rolled:[ 11 d10 ] 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 7 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Malcolm
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Marrick Fisher] (soak?)
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 1, 3, 5, 5, 6, 6, 9 (Success x 1 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Charlie
Rage Action: Brawl+Dexterity (+1): Claw Donalbain!]
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 1, 1, 3, 4, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 1 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Charlie
Damage: Strength +4 (Crinos) +1 (claw) +NOTHING!] [A]
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 2, 2, 3, 7, 8, 8, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] (R2: chomp malcolm, +1diff from changing actions)
Dice Rolled:[ 11 d10 ] 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 7 at target 6) Re-rolls: 3
[Wyrmbreaker] (damage +6)
Dice Rolled:[ 15 d10 ] 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 6 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Malcolm
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 9 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Joey] [R2: bite Donalbain!: dex + brawl -1 diff (flank)]
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 3, 3, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10 (Success x 6 at target 4)
[Joey] [damage +5 suxx]
Dice Rolled:[ 11 d10 ] 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 9 (Failure at target 6)
[Joey] [soak +1]
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] (oh right, soak vs poison blood)
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 5 at target 6)
[Charlie] Blanketed by the Delirium spreading across the land, four of the Garou present throw themselves into their dire wolf forms at the first signs of trouble, the other two reverting to their monstrous birth forms. What once had been a site of play becomes a battleground as the thundering hooves of the Skull Pigs sounds out in the air.
Wyrmbreaker barks out orders for the group to concentrate their fire before setting his teeth into one of the smaller charging monstrosities. It only takes two clacks of his jaws before he is tearing through the thing's jowly throat and dropping it in a twitching pile of putrid meat at his paws. It twitches with the life refusing to bleed out of its body, but it does not get back up.
Spin Doctor slashes his claws at the largest of the Skull Pigs, raking through its hide before rearing back and burying his claws into its shoulders, leaving them there when he draws back. Face of Death charges in to bite at the thing's neck but her teeth seem to slide right off its leathery hide.
Gossamer Wing becomes the target of the next attack, but Bones to Dust throws herself in front of the thing's waving tusks, deflecting the blow and taking no damage herself. When another Skull Pig surges from the side to attempt to spill her blood on the grass she jumps to the side, catching the tip of the thing's stained tusk in her side. She doesn't feel it.
Lights Out isn't so lucky. He fails to get out of the way when the largest of the Skull Pigs throws itself at him, and it unzips his torso from hipbone to ribs, intestines pushing out from behind opened muscles. Face of Death feels a surge of Rage welling up inside of her when she sees her friend injured but still fighting; it's not quite the fury that came across Lights Out when Face of Death was pulverized earlier this week, but it comes close.
Warcry sees the metis take that hit and barks at her packsister to drag him out of the way before she lunges at the creature that had gored him; her teeth fail to penetrate his hide with the first lunge, but on the second she drags her teeth through his hide and draws blood.
Gossamer Wing throws herself at her attacker, tearing through putrid flesh and baring bone, while Lights Out fruitlessly swipes his claws at the creature that laid his innards out.
The gathered Garou call upon their internal reserves of righteous anger to fuel the next leg of their fight. Wyrmbreaker plants his claws in his targeted pig, Spin Doctor and Face of Death work together to tear chunk after chunk out of the largest creature, and Warcry surges in to separate the monster's head from its shoulders with a snapping closure of her jaws.
It can't rage back from that.
Wyrmbreaker calls for the gathered to concentrate their efforts on the wavering of the two Skull Pigs while he and Bones to Dust concentrate on the as-yet unscathed creature. Gossamer Wing tries and fails to sink her teeth into the creature while Bones to Dust crunches through bone and punctures internal organs. Lights Out claws a chunk out of the creature that had tried to gore Bones to Dust, and Wyrmbreaker tears a chunk out of the squealing creature with the broken ribs.
And that threatened rain starts to drop down on them.
[We're going to reroll inits. Everyone remember your form Dex bonuses!]
[Joey] [+10]
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 8
[Marrick Fisher] (8+1d10)
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 1
[Sinclair] [+10]
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 3
[Ewan Selwyn] 8
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 7
[Joss Lehrer] (+9)
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 6
[Charlie] [The Horde, +7]
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 1
[Charlie] [Charlie, +7]
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 10
[Sinclair] [Wyrmbreaker]
[+10 +10]
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 6
[Charlie] [Damage Tally
Marrick: 2A
Charlie: 5A
Everyone Else: OK
Banquo: Incap
Donalbain: -2
Malcolm: -2
Lukas: 26
Joey: 18
Charlie: 17
Ewan: 15
Joss: 15
Sinclair: 13
Marrick: 9
The Horde: 8]
[Charlie] [Malcolm
Split Action: Tusk Marrick/Tusk Lukas. Rage 1: Tusk Marrick. Rage 2: Tusk Lukas.
Split Action: Tusk Ewan/Tusk Charlie. Rage 1: Tusk Joey. Rage 2: Tusk Sinclair.
Action: Bleed.]
[Marrick Fisher] (action: reflexive: "Gossamer Wing-rhya, help Lights Out!"
declare: 1a: dodge tusk
1b: Be Lukas's meat shield
rage1: Dodge
rage2: continue taking defensive actions for Wyrmbreaker)
[Sinclair] [1a: Move behind Donalbain.
1b: Bite Donalbain.
R1: Bite Donalbain AGAIN.
R2: Go bite Malcolm, too, he's being left out. OF HER MIGHTY MAW.]
[Wyrmbreaker] (Orders: pretty much the same thing. Backing up Marrick's call for HAELZ on charlie. Tells Marrick to quit tanking for him, HE'S FINE (whirrwhirrwhirr).)
[Joss Lehrer] And since Charlie is obviously the worst injured
1a - get to Charlie
1b - MT baby, while standing over him as Meatshield.
[Ewan Selwyn] 0: 1 rage, Flanking Dona
1a: Claw Dona
1B: Claw Dona
R1: Claw Dona
[Charlie] [Charlie
Split Action: Claw/Claw Donalbain.]
[Joey] [regular: bite Donalbain (fuck you, poison blood, you can't stop me!)
R1: Bite again!
R2: Bite again!]
[Wyrmbreaker] (1Gn - Luna's Armor.
splitting four ways.
d -- all chomps on Malcolm. WP on the last one.)
[Wyrmbreaker] 1a chomp, -4 for split
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 8, 9 (Success x 2 at target 5)
[Wyrmbreaker] (damage +1)
Dice Rolled:[ 10 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 9, 9, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 (Failure at target 6)
[Charlie] [That was Malcolm. Drink more booze, Dorn.]
[Wyrmbreaker] (soak!)
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 2, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 9 (Success x 6 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] (b. coup de grace on malcolm! -5 for split, attack dice -1 to damage)
Dice Rolled:[ 15 d10 ] 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 6 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Malcolm
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 (Success x 1 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Malcolm
NOO I want to LIIIIVE!]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 (Botch x 1 at target 8)
[Wyrmbreaker] (c. coup de grace on banquo! -6)
Dice Rolled:[ 14 d10 ] 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Banquo
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 2, 5, 5, 5, 8, 9 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] d. no srsly, DIE.
Dice Rolled:[ 13 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 3, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10 (Success x 8 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Banquo
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Joey] [Bite Donalbain!: dex + brawl -1 diff (still flanking)]
Dice Rolled:[ 9 d10 ] 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 8, 10, 10 (Success x 6 at target 4)
[Joey] [damage +5 suxx]
Dice Rolled:[ 13 d10 ] 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 9 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6 (Failure at target 6)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Rage back!]
Dice Rolled:[ 5 d10 ] 2, 4, 5, 9, 9 (Success x 2 at target 8)
[Joey] [Soak that blood!]
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 3, 3, 4, 5, 9, 9, 9 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] (erk. soaking three times.)
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 9, 10 (Success x 5 at target 6)
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 7, 9 (Success x 2 at target 6)
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 8, 9 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Ewan Selwyn] 1st claw flanking
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9 (Success x 5 at target 5)
[Ewan Selwyn] damage
Dice Rolled:[ 12 d10 ] 1, 2, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10 (Success x 7 at target 6)
[Charlie] [Donalbain
Nooo I want to liiiive!]
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 3, 3, 10, 10 (Success x 1 at target 6)
[Charlie] It's over in a matter of seconds.
The Fury Ahroun calls out for the Theurge Elder to tend to the injured metis, who is apparently reveling in his newfound ability to keep fighting despite grievous injury, while Wyrmbreaker and Spin Doctor converge on the surviving Skull Pigs. The Fostern Shadow Lord bites through his target's hide, spilling blood onto the dampening grass, and another gnash of his jaws has his throat torn out. He and Bones to Dust are soaked in the thing's life fluid, and unlike its friend, it does not surge back to life to fight once more.
Wyrmbreaker moves to tear out that friend's throat, but his teeth rake off the thing's flesh; a second lunge ends its life. Meanwhile, Face of Death is still furiously fighting. She brings her target to the ground, bleeding and twitching, for Spin Doctor to finish off. Its head is cleanly severed from its neck, jaws agape in a howl even in death, and the silence that falls upon them in the wake of carnage is almost eerie. Chests are heaving, steam is rising from open cavities and gasping mouths, and rain is whispering on the grass and trees and statues all around them.
All but the Furies are unscathed. Bones to Dust will heal in a couple of days; Lights Out is going to be in a world of hurt when Bear's protection wears off.
[And we're out of combat! Post at will!]
[Marrick Fisher] The battle was over. For the most part, those assembled were unscathed, with the exception of the Black Furies, and the Fenrir who had taken quite a beating earlier. Marrch takes a second to shift back to her birth form.
Jeans and a hooded sweatshirt. All bloodied to hell and back.
"Okay," she starts "that... y'all did well."
Praise where it was due.
A beat.
"Joey an' Sinclair, take trophies back to th' wyrmpole. Charlie an' Joss? Can you cleanse this? Ewan, you gotta know people. Get yer kin out here for clean up an' damage control."
Another pause.
"If anyone needs to clean up, packhouse is a few blocks from here."
[Joss Lehrer] She doesn't shift, quite yet. She was already on her way to Charlie even before Marrick had yelled for her to head that direction. She continues to move as people start to gather their wits. Close to Charlie's crinos form, she simply leans forward right into his personal space, a giant handpaw resting on the worst of his wounds.
He doesn't even get a chance to resist.
Dice Rolled:[ 4 d10 ] 3, 4, 6, 6 (Success x 4 at target 1)
[Wyrmbreaker] Wyrmbreaker is a Shadow Lord. In homid, you can see that in his black hair, his icy eyes. In the lupine forms, the mark of it is all the more evident. Thick fur, black on black. Broad through the chest and shoulders, heavy-jawed -- nothing like the lean, dappered grey wolves that roam the world today. A throwback to an older time. A monster out of memory and myth.
His jaws run with slaver and blood. He snaps his jaws a few times, dislodging bone shrapnel, flesh-gristle. When the Ahroun Elder barks orders --
-- Wyrmbreaker's savage eyes turn her way. The hackles on the back of his neck are still up. Or go up again. It's not certain.
Rain is beginning to mat his fur. His forepaws are braced wide. He does nothing; says nothing. He simply stares at the Fury.
[Charlie] As soon as the carnage is over, Lights Out looks down at his midsection to see what the Skull Pig had done to him. It's hard to read his expression in this form, but he seems as if he's having an out of body experience as his brain tries to process the fact that his intestines are on the outside of his abdominal cavity but his body isn't registering pain. Last night had not done a thing to prepare him for heavy battle, and when Gossamer Wing hurries over to the older Theurge, he doesn't have the Rage left in him to wheel back or snarl at her not to touch him.
He doesn't trust her, he doesn't know her as well as he knows those who normally heal him, but there is a sort of illusory camaraderie to be found in having fought alongside each other, and when Gossamer Wing touches his glistening midsection, he doesn't yank away. He just holds still while his body is suffused with light and warmth and pulls itself back together.
When the wound is nothing more than an angry red line raking from his right hipbone to the underside of his left ribcage, he melts down into his human form. His gray henley is torn where the creature's tusk hit him, and he's soaked in his own blood, but he is not pale or wavering on his feet. He takes a breath, scrubs at his gaunt face with one bony hand, and says, "Thanks, -rhya."
Can they cleanse, Bones to Dust wants to know. Charlie pats his pockets as if trying to find lost car keys, and then admits, "I don't have anything on me. I can ask Water, though."
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan spits out stuff caught in his teeth and looks around, sniffing the air for more foes. Left, right... front.. behind.... 'up'.
Ewan may not be coming back for coffee here any more.
Stepping away from the body he looks into the darkness from which the pigs charged forth. Speaking in the speech of spirits to the phone at his hip. Sulu fires off the text to the clean up crew.
The crinos turns and looks to the others, then back into the darkness of the park. they could chat. He'd keep an eye, nose and ear out. Just in case*
[Joey] What an exciting day this had turned out to be. First, she got to explore the city a little more. Then she made new friends, and even got to play. And then they fought.
It was a good day. Except for that heart stopping moment when one of the skull pigs ripped Charlie open, dumping his entrails. He didn't seem to feel it, didn't let it stop him from continuing on. Laughs in the Face of Death watches as Gossamer Wing heals her grievously injured friend.
Blood coats the fur around Joey's face and muzzle, staining the white at her cheeks. She lifts a forepaw and licks along her leg, wiping the blood from her tongue before shifting up into her war form. In the heat of battle it's easy to ignore the dangers of biting her opponents in favor of damage. But for the act of preparing the trophies, she would prefer powerful humanoid arms.
[Sinclair] After tearing the largest Skull Pig's head off of its body, the hulking Glass Walker whips her blood-drenched muzzle around, pale blue eyes gleaming, searching for the next one. Body language, howls: the voice of the Fostern Ahroun in battle with them directs her towards another of the swine, which falls so efficiently underneath Joey's teeth that it makes Sinclair twitch.
Her tail whips, her jaw snaps, and rain starts to fall down on her head, glinting in drops on the piercings that show up even in this form's ears, as blood runs through the grass. She snarls when Marrick tells them they 'did well' and issues her orders, but not in defiance. It is the equivalent of grumbling, and it passes.
My trophies are for Maelstrom until the solstice.
She growls this quietly this as she strides forward, lifting the head of the Skull Pig Lukas sent she and Ewan and Joey after, carrying it by one tusk rather than digging in her teeth where it's bloody. A glance is thrown Charlie's way -- he cleansed both she and her packmate of taint in the past, and apparently his welfare makes some difference to her, but seeing him tended to, she keeps walking. She does not have Joey's attachment to the metis. It could very well seem that she sees him as nothing more than a useful tool.
A few steps away she glances back at Wyrmbreaker, sensing a rising tension. She looks back at Marrick. Then Lukas again. The skull pig's head dangles from her jaws as she goes back and forth.
And then gets out of the way.
[Joss Lehrer] If Charlie were a betting man, he could likely bet that the dire wolf that is the Godi - grinned at him. Winked even. She knows he doesn't trust her yet, but fact of the matter is, she's his Elder, by position and rank, and she would have healed him anyway. It is her duty, and privilege.
Only then does she shift down to homid, and stretches slowly. Then her hands fall to the strap of her small bag that's with her wherever she goes. "I've got the supplies, Charlie, if you'd like to help, still."
And she digs inside to grab her cleansing stuff, and goes about doing exactly that.
[Marrick Fisher] She gives orders, his fur bristles, and she looks back at the Shadow Lord. He's larger than her. He's stronger than her. And he is faster than her. And he's just staring at her.
She looks back.
"Wyrmbreaker-rhya, I need t'have some words with you, privately, once this is all said an' done," she tells him. And then? "I would appreciate the audience."
Anod at rank, acknowledging the fact that he was, in fact, a Fostern. And everything neat and tidy and control gripped so tightly that it might have been fractured.
a pause. Then? To everyone.
"Take whatever y'all think's appropriate," she says. Then, the Fury takes a moment to take on a shape more suited to war, and goes to rend whatever is left of the skull pigs in a more manageable, removable form.
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan extends one obsidian arm and what appears to be a small flock of shadowy bats shoots forth from his fur. They reform into the shape of his battle axe.
One last sniff and look around and he turns back towards the bodies. Pauses and looks to Wyrmbreaker and Glossamer. Ears perk forward a bit, silently waiting for their thoughts on it.
Unlike many, he grew up in Garou society. Rank was beat into him from infancy, not just puberty. He awaited ranking people to get their shit out of the way. Namely Lucas looking like he might have somethin' to say/do here.*
[Joey] The Ahrouns are facing off. Joey rips skull pig heads from skull pig bodies, gathers them by their tusks, and moves out of the way. She follows her sister, providing cover by means of the Delirium incited on weak-willed humans when she's in her war form.
She's not familiar with Spin Doctor, doesn't know if his trophies will go on the Wyrmpole, or if his pack is like the Eagles, with their own means of displaying the spoils of war. So she leaves the skull pig he finished off for him once he has his ax in hand.
[Wyrmbreaker] (+10+10)
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 7 (Success x 1 at target 6)
[Marrick Fisher] (I'm confused! 6+1d10)
Dice Rolled:[ 1 d10 ] 5
[Sinclair] Wyrmbreaker: 27
Marrick: 11
[Joss Lehrer] The Eagles place their trophies on the Wyrm poll like any other. The grisley reminders that border their territory have a whole story of their own. She glances at Ewan, who seems to be waiting for something. She snorts.
"You afraid to get your ax dirty or something? Get busy. Keep everything central for cleansing."
Standing there like there's no reason to get this shit cleaned up and gone before folks start to trickle back in as the rage subsides and curiosities raise. She's not completely oblivious to Marrick and Lukas, either. She's watching, but still going about doing her duty at the same time. Multitasking. It's her friend.
[Marrick Fisher] (You got somethin' on your face...: STARING AT LUKAS!)
[Wyrmbreaker] (Facedown. Char+Intim+PB vs diff 6, need 8 succ total.)
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 2, 4, 4, 5, 8, 10, 10, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Marrick Fisher] (Facedown: Charisma+Int+PB, diff 6(because that's what Damon did) 8 successes necessary)
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 8 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] (Moar facedown!)
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 2, 2, 2, 6, 6, 8, 8, 10 (Success x 5 at target 6)
[Marrick Fisher] (More staring! Spending a willpower to keep going)
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 2, 6, 6, 8, 8 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan wasn't afraid to get his axe dirty. He was just deferring to rank. Which all those with rank bitch and moan about if you don't, and apperently if you DO. FIRST SHARE OF THE KILL TO THOSE OF HIGHER STATION Was PART of Ewan. So he'd waited till Higher station said or indicated something.
Once Joss said something he flickered his ears back and the axe moved with blinding speed.*
[Wyrmbreaker] One word, a snarl: "Submit."
[Marrick Fisher] Submit.
One word. She doesn't reply; she just keeps glaring at him.
[Marrick Fisher] (-1 WP, keep staring!)
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 2, 4, 6, 8, 8, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Sinclair] [Wyrmbreaker
(Moar facedown!)]
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] (FINE, MOAR STARING. Round three, -1WP)
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 1, 2, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 10 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Marrick Fisher] (KEEEEEP GOING -1WP)
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 1, 1, 4, 7, 8, 9 (Success x 1 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] (WP down to 3, STILL STARING)
Dice Rolled:[ 8 d10 ] 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 9 (Success x 3 at target 6)
[Marrick Fisher] She stared at him much longer than should have been possible, but eventually the Fury does look away. She doesn't say a word.
[Wyrmbreaker] The entire ordeal lasted a handful of seconds. At one point, Bones to Dust's eyes flickered ... did not turn away. At another, later, Wyrmbreaker begins to growl, so low and deep in his chest that he may not be aware of it himself. All the fur on the Hispo's back is on end when the Fury at last turns away. Capitulates.
It's not enough.
The Shadow Lord takes a single step forward. The subaural growl spikes suddenly into a snarl. He crowds her space; blatant dominance in his upright ears, his braced stance, his tail straight out.
"You're beaten. I'll see you show your throat, Cliath."
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan's glassy clear blue killer's eyes flickered up when Lucas' spoke, the axe in his crinos claw dripping tacky poisoned blood. Then he was back to work. Hacking the pigs up into manageable pieces. As Joss indicated, keeping them central. Stacking them like cord wood. The heads, those grizzly skull pig heads left to one side for the pole.
As usual. Ewan says nothing. Just goes about the work as if bred to hacking up giant monstrosity's. Which, in part, he was*
[Marrick Fisher] It takes a seconds for her to do this. She looks away, she stays tense. He invades her space and the Fury doesn't move. She doesn't back away, she doesn't do much of anything.
She just stands very... very still.
You're beaten, he reminds her, I'll see you show your throat, Cliath.
It is the reminder of rank that does it. The emphasis that she is of a lower rank, that he is afforded this, that she is to respect those of a higher station. She submits, and it's not enough.
Chin tilts upward, head to the side. Her throat is bared, and the Fury submits.
[Joss Lehrer] She continues to keep an eye on Marrick and Lukas as they go about settling their differences, even as she travels around the battle field in windershins wth smoldering torch, purified water, and branch of willow, Charlie working with her. The two of them pooling resources in order to make short work of cleansing not only the trophies and skull pig parts, but all those within the circle.
Soon enough, they break their silence with the unearthly howl needed to drive the wyrm from the area.
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 2, 3, 8, 8, 8, 10 (Success x 4 at target 6)
[Sinclair] All this time, Sinclair has been standing some distance away, watching Lukas and Marrick. She does not join in the cleansing or the howl that fills the park when Joss and Charlie raise their voices to get it done. She watches, and witnesses, and remembers. That is, she hears, part of her job.
When it's over, she does something else that -- at least in her mind -- fills the description of a Galliard's duty. Without a howl, without even a sound, Sinclair evokes both Litany and story with the eloquence she often lacks when she is in her birth form and opening her mouth.
Marrick tips her head back and shows her throat.
Sinclair pads forward in hispo, her steps shortening and her tail lowering as she gets closer. She drops largest skull pig's head not far from Lukas's forepaws, her head down. The only thing she takes from it is the swine's left tusk, ripped sharply from its face. This, she continues to hold in her jaws. Lukas did not lay a hand on that particular pig. He did, however, order her, Joey, and Ewan's attack on it.
The Galliard does not bare her throat. She backs away again, returning to Joey's side.
[Wyrmbreaker] Some of the tension leaves Wyrmbreaker's body when Bones to Dust submits. It lifts -- not like a storm, but like some pressure, some ultra-low-frequency noise so pervasive and subversive that it's only noted in retrospect, when it's gone.
Or no -- not gone. Lessened.
His tail drops a little, hangs easily now. He chuffs once, glares at the Fury for another second, and then snaps his head around when the Glass Walker approaches from his side. Wyrmbreaker's terrible pale eyes glitter from Galliard to trophy to Galliard. It's seconds on end before he shakes his head, suddenly, sending his thick fur riffling, scattering the electric moment like rain from his pelt.
"You slew it; it's yours to hang on the Wyrmpole." He pushes off his forepaws, rises unsteadily on his haunches. Steadies. Changes. Homid now, the Shadow Lord wipes blood off his face, shakes it from his fingers. Cleanup -- and Cleansing -- is proceeding readily. He takes his car keys out; offers them to the group at large. "My car is just across the street if anyone needs it to move carcasses."
Which is another event he's not participating in. Because:
"Bones-to-Dust, let's have that talk you wanted."
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan looked over and then towards where the car was indicated. Then the 3 pony sized and one horse sized monster pigs then back to see what sort of car Lucas drove*
[Wyrmbreaker] Lukas's car, as it turns out, is a rather small BMW M3 coupe. It's about 5 years old. It's black.
There is no way three ponies and a horse would fit into his trunk. Even if they folded the rear seats down.
[Sinclair] The Galliard, then, drops the tusk from her maw. She melts back into her breed form, bloody and... well. Still wearing that hat. Maybe it's sentimental; she dedicated it. The talen she activated before the battle is still pinned to it. Sinclair is crouching, one hand on the grass beside the torn-off tusk, and she repeats herself:
"All my trophies belong to Maelstrom until the winter solstice. I made an oath." There's a beat. She spits blood out of her mouth, wipes her jaw with her sleeve. "Nothing on the Wyrmpole will bear my name til my chiminage to Maelstrom is paid."
She doesn't argue, though. Sinclair goes back towards him and reaches down, hauling up the enormous head in one fist like it's nothing -- or like she, already surreally strong on her own, has the force of a devouring wind backing all her efforts.
"My car's that-a-way," she says, jerking her head eastward. She looks at Joey. "You run faster." She digs her free, bloody hand into her pocket and takes her keys out, tossing them to her sister.
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan shook his head. Once the offal was cut up he shifted back down to homid. Wiping off his hands on a rust red hankie he then took out his awakened Iphone 3g and checked on the cleaning crew. (( going out on a limb here...)* ETA on clean up in 5. Coming from the west.
*He nodded to Marrick to let her know they'd be entering her turf. but it was as requested. The axe in his other hand shattered and the tiny flock of teny bats flew up his sleeve*
[Joey] The staredown finishes quickly, with the higher ranked Shadow Lord the victor. Joey watches the whole business with her massive head cocked to the side. Occasionally, her ears flick and swivel as they catch or seek out sounds.
She watches as Sinclair offers the head of the largest pig to Wyrmbreaker in accordance with the Litany. Her head cocks to the side once more when he returns it to Sinclair.
Joey drops the two heads she was holding and melts into her homid form. That of an athletic young blonde girl, freckled face smeared with blood. She catches up the keys, grins and salutes her alpha. Index and middle finger tapped to her temple, then flicked out in a wave to the group at large.
"Later!" She is the faster runner, as she proved earlier in a game of tag where a Godi had to train the wind elementals exclusively on the Rotagar to slow her down to everyone else's speed. Joey shoes her speed once more as she bolts down the road.
[Marrick Fisher] Some of the tension leaves his body, and eventually she does relax once she determines that the point is made. Which brings up the point that she needed to talk to him. However, the only expressions of privacy would be found in her volume.
There were things that she liked, and things that she didn't, and therewas a quiet displeasure in knowing that he was several inches tallerthan her and she would have to look up to talk to him with any modicun of privacy.
She glances to Ewan and gives an upward nod. "Thanks," she tells him.
Then, it's back to the fostern.
"Well, this is Oz park. Part of La Familia's territory," she tells him, "figured I should say that."
Another pause, and her voice drops. Clearly, whatever words she was having were meant for his ears alone.
[Marrick Fisher] "Look," she sighs, "you've bested me... in a lot of things. An'... an' I get that. But I don't get why you haven't challenged me yet, because-"
A pause. She stops. She recollects and continues.
"And I'd like t'take you up on yer offer from a few weeks ago."
to Wyrmbreaker
[Joss Lehrer] Sinclair tells Joey she runs faster, and the Godi? Laughs.
Not at the comment so much, certainly not at Joey, but for the simple fact of how very true it is. She watches her run off, still chuckling as she takes a moment, and simply sinks to a crouch, comfortable, and watching Marrick and Lukas, Ewan and Sinclair and Charlie, and waits for clean up crew to arrive so they can load everything up.
[Ewan Selwyn] *When the crew arrives, Ewan directs them to the butchered pigs and what not. Letting them do their thing.
He looked to the remaining garou* Anyone need anything else? *Glassy clear blue eyes flickering between them*
[Wyrmbreaker] They've always managed to interact with civility, even friendliness.
Tonight, however, Wyrmbreaker's countenance is stony, his silence rather cold. When Marrick reminds him that this is her pack's territory -- aloud -- he looks at her flatly.
"It is," he agrees. "And this is the second time in as many weeks that you have been unable to defend it alone."
They move further away. She drops her voice. He lowers his head a little to hear her better, his bloody hands laced behind his back, his bloody face frowning in thought: the cannibal Thinker. A little ways down the road, he turns his head toward her. Whatever he says then is inaudible.
[Sinclair] Sinclair, primitive little beast that she is, takes the hint rather efficiently. She keeps her distance from the Ahrouns, though she glances over occasionally in case one of them lunges for the other, and crouches down in the rain, one hand still on top of the skull pig's...
...well. Skull.
"Nope," she says succinctly to Ewan, giving him and his crew a nod that is part appreciation, part dismissal. She stands with her and Joey's trophies, waiting for the other Twister blonde to bring the El Camino around.
[Ewan Selwyn] *Ewan waited till they were finished and looked over at the low speaking Ahroun. Reaching up he scratched one arm though the Canadian digital cammo jacket where a spur was breaking the skin underneith. His voice came out soft, though accented strangely as usual. One of the few to learn High tongue before English or spanish. His tonals coming out harsh, like Russian or Klingon.*
Would some one thank Marrick for her pack's hospitality for me?
* He didn't even seem Ironic. Hell he'd called and asked permission before entering. Respecting her turf.
Bending he picked up the skull they'd left for him*
If there's nothing else. I should get back to my own turf and put in a few patrols. Make sure there's no pork problems at home.
*He looked to Joss and bowed his head respectfully to the fostern. Then nodded to Sinclair. It'd be weird leaving her name off things but it's as she wished. Then turned and headed out. catching a ride with the clean up crew. Some how he doubted even the 'seen it all' attitude of Chicago night transit would be able to overlook a Skull pig skull on the El train.*
[Ewan Selwyn] (( they, being the clean up crew, being finished))
[Wyrmbreaker] She breaks off. He interjects, levelly, "Until this last month, I haven't had reason to challenge you. But I'm starting to wonder myself.
"You've lost your totem. I don't know how, but everyone knows what it is Black Unicorn despises. And I do know the last time I saw you in combat, you nearly died -- on your land, under your Alpha -- against a flock of fomori a cub could have dispatched. I do know that your Alpha called for help, then picked you up and ran from battle, leaving Strikes with Valor and I to clean up La Familia's mess.
"Then, tonight, you didn't even try to lead -- the Ahroun Elder on her own land. I heard the Glass Walker Alpha calling to her pack and tribemates. I heard myself making a unified force out of six packs. I heard nothing from you until the very end, when all was already said and done, when you took it upon yourself to talk down to everyone else. Praise them like children. Order them around as though you had taken the lead.
"What sort of funk are you in, Bones to Dust? What sort of funk is your pack in?"
A pause. She continues. He's silent a moment, thinking.
"No," he says, then. "I'm sorry, Bones to Dust, but I've lost trust in you and I've lost trust in your pack. I don't think you can pull your own weight, and I require proof that you can. I have a new offer. Either get your act together yourselves, or submit altogether to my leadership.
"You can pass that on to your Alpha. If you keep making a mess of yourselves, you can expect a challenge for Ahroun Elder from me at the December moot, and Brother of the Lost can expect to be challenged for Alphaship of his own pack."
to Marrick Fisher
[Joey] It's not long before the El Camino is rumbling down the street toward Oz Park. Joey drives like a beast. She grew up in the desert, learned to drive on long stretches of desert freeway, and from wild and crazy boys. She knows how to make nearly any car do what she wants it to do, move as fast as she needs it to move. And if it won't, she knows how to modify it so that it will the next time.
For a girl, the young Rotagar has a lot of decidedly unfeminine skills.
Today she's not driving crazily. They're on someone else's turf, and that and the need to keep the eyes of the public off them are all that keep Joey from peeling out, or hopping the curb to park right beside her packsister. Instead she parks as close as she can, kills the engine, and hops out of the green El Camino. Then she's jogging over to the others, passing them, stopping over by the statue of the Tin Man to retriever her bomber jacket. Which she puts on over top of her bloody sweatshirt. She doesn't know how these other assholes can stand the cold now that the fighting is over.
She hurries over to Sinclair, to help drag heads to the car.
[Joss Lehrer] She lifts her hand in a little wave at Ewan's nod. Joey arrives shortly after, and Joss stands, and moves to help them drag their trophies to the El Camino. She has not claimed one of her own. It may be that she feels she does not deserve one, or that others deserve it more - or perhaps there's something all together different in the reasoning as she helps them load up.
Either way, she doesn't say. Godi's are strange anyway - why would this be anything different?
[Marrick Fisher] She's looking at Lukas, and it's a very intent sort of look. First, with confusion, and then, almost defensive, which gets shut down-
And then other words.
[Marrick Fisher] She looks very, very serious. It's odd, because she's so young. It's odd, because very rarely does she adopt such an expression
"Rhya, you-"
She stops. Something seems to dawn on her and the teenager stops running her mouth for once. It's a quiet moment of maturity- they're rare.
"Y'know, I ain't making excuses. Things'll change, or things will change and you'll challenge, and things will change. Do what's best for the sept, and do what's best for the city."
Another pause. It's not anger, it's not resentment, it's not even bitterness at wounds poked or points made that were not pretty.
"I understand that you don't trust me, or my pack. I look forward to the climb. I appreciate you not blindsiding us with your ultimatum."
to Wyrmbreaker
[Wyrmbreaker] There's a very small scoff when Marrick appreciates his advance warning.
"I don't get anything out of trampling my Septmates down, Bones to Dust. If you two can pick yourselves up and get back into shape, then all the better."
The alternative is left unspoken. He's already told her, anyway.
"Was there anything else?"
[Marrick Fisher] Lukas was, at this moment, one of four Shadow Lords she has met in her entire life. The first being back in Oklahoma, who needed little mention, who taught her without saying a single word that her body was a weapon, and that it could be used for psychological warfare. The second being Lukas himself, then the third and fourth being the Boogeymen, whose names escaped her but the resentment did not.
Suffice to say, Lukas was not Emilio. Even if they were both tall and dark haired full moons. Lukas was not Javier, nor was he Edwin. Even if the blood did sing similar tales.
She was left with no frame of reference, and a mindset that was both logical and disconcerting all at once.
"We're finishing the defenses for the Brotherhood, soon. I'm going to need all the residents to help break them down, then I wanna know how y'all did it. Figured I should give you the heads up."
A pause.
"Everything after that is covered by "I ain't makin' excuses," so..." a break. "Need anything?"
[Wyrmbreaker] Lukas stops walking. They haven't been moving with a destination in mind; they were merely walking to walk, giving their bodies something to do while they spoke. For all he knows someone drove his car away. For all he knows he'll be walking back to the Brotherhood now. Or flying. He still has that for another day, another night, though Lukas knows already that that is coming to an end.
Now he stands where he is, a dark thing born of dark blood, rain on his shoulders, rain on his bare head, rain running down his cheeks and washing streaks of clean through the blood. He thinks for a moment; shakes his head. Then he changes his mind.
"I would have still followed you tonight, had you taken the lead. Now I'm not sure." He punctuates the pause with a shrug of his shoulders. "So show me my trust would not have been misplaced, Bones to Dust, and you'll earn it back."
[Marrick Fisher] (whatchu thinkin' 'bout, Willis?)
Dice Rolled:[ 3 d10 ] 2, 3, 5 (Failure at target 7)
[Marrick Fisher] She stains.
Her hair is blonde, and even with the rain coming down, parts are still red. Morbid strawberry blonde. By now, they're both wet. And they stop, and she regards him and his thoughtful expression but finds herself sorely wanting in that regard. She doesn't have a damned clue what he is thinking
But nothing stings worse than disappointment, and what's worse is that she's not even sure why she's looking for approval.
She nods, but doesn't say a word.
It's odd, because even on the best of days, she is not good at hiding what she's thinking. On the best of days, Marrick Fisher is an open book with an accurate index. On the worst of days, she simply is.Whatever is there is written across her face, in her body posture, everything. He says that he would have followed her tonight, and it is equal parts wanting to believe him and doubt. What kind of doubt was uncertain, though.
"Am I dismissed?" again, trying to nod to rank. Trying and succeeding were two different things though, and it was clear that she wasn't going to leave until he told her to go away.
[Wyrmbreaker] Lukas is new to his rank. His Challenge was so trivial that it was clear to all that his rank was already earned and deserved, but even so, the blatant nods to his position occasionally give him pause.
It doesn't discomfit him. But it does make him halt for a second. Then he nods. "Goodnight, Bone to Dust."
Lukas turns; he walks back the way he came, turning his face up to the rain as he goes, letting it wash carnage from his skin.
10 years ago