[Vasily Zaitsev] *He had heard the name, seen him at one meeting.. but never got the chance to speak with him. Nessa, had wanted him to. thought there would be much they might talk about. For the scarred philodox with a drive to increase the communication and unity of the tribe of thunder and storm, it was a meeting he was looking forward too.*
Dice Rolled:[ 6 d10 ] 2, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 (Success x 2 at target 6)
[Wyrmbreaker] Wyrmbreaker occupies room 2 at the Brotherhood. Tonight, expecting Vasily, the door stands ajar. When Vasily knocks, Lukas calls, "Come in."
The Ahroun is sitting on his bed, his back to the headboard, a pillow between. He has a leather padholder opened on his knee, a few pages of dense writing flipped up: a letter, perhaps. His penmanship is indistinct at this distance, but seems fluid, scrawled without losing its form.
He finishes a sentence and then caps his pen, looking up with a smile. "Hey." Vasily's ruined face doesn't make him flinch; it doesn't make him look away or stare intently the way a mortal might. The smile doesn't even falter, though there is a flicker of surprise in his eyes, there and then gone. "Thunder's Judgment-yuf?"
[Vasily Zaitsev] "Da, I am, Wyrmbreaker-rhya." *His rough hewn voice was deep, but obviously effected by his scarring. The words and tone heavily tinted by his russian native lands* "Spasiba, for meeting with me on such short notice."
*He closes the door, and waits patiently*
[Wyrmbreaker] Rhya, Vasily calls him. Wyrmbreaker sets aside pad and pen, gets to his feet, and grips the other Shadow Lord's forearm in greeting.
It's only after he releases that he corrects, "Yuf. We're of a rank, Judgment."
There's a sense that it's courtesy. Wyrmbreaker's clear blue eyes are very direct, and there was something of implicit, subtle dominance in the delay before the correction. He waves Vasily to the single chair in the room, then, a plain wooden thing at the desk, and takes a seat on the edge of his bed himself.
Wyrmbreaker's room is very sparse, very bare, very neat. His closet door is closed. His dresser is closed. There are precisely four things on his desktop: a swivel-arm lamp, a laptop in hibernation, a coffee pot, and a book. At his nightstand he has a clock radio and his padholder.
His bed is made, though rumpled from his sprawling atop it. Whatever other personal effects he may have are all tucked neatly away somewhere.
"I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the tribal meet the other night. I was visiting my family and the sept of my Fosterage. Agnessa Malikoff told me there are three new brothers of Thunder in the city, yourself, a Ragabash and another Philodox."
[Vasily Zaitsev] *His eyes narrowed slightly, it would be obvious it was not at the subtle test of wills, in fact it seems as if the man doesn't challenge the ahroun on that fact. No it was irritation at having incorrect information.*
"Are we, then I was told in correctly. My thanks brother of thunder. At least that, it seems the storm gathers once more.
Do you have a small amount of spiritual strength to spare for yourself, brother? I would bind us in murmur as in the old ways so none might hear us, if you are willing." *His words spoken directly, if in measured even tones*
[Wyrmbreaker] Perhaps Nessa spoke of Wyrmbreaker, or others in the Sept. If Vasily has paid attention to rumors, two things stand out.
People talk about Wyrmbreaker's honor. They call him honorable. And people talk about how he's not like the other Shadow Lords. Whether the second is praise or damnation depends on Vasily's view of things.
This much is true, though. Wyrmbreaker frowns when Vasily wants to silence their conversation. There's a pause. Then -- rather gently -- he replies, "No, Thunder's Judgment. Our tribe's greatest weakness is our underhanded ways. Strength is one thing. Deception is another entirely. We do what we have to for reasons others may not always understand, but I won't hide my acts as though I were ashamed of them."
[Vasily Zaitsev] "It is not shame that I ask this. It is prudence. It is not fear, it is not deception. Some words are not for everyone to hear. The ritual of murmur is not for deception, it is for freedom. To be able to speak of all things, and know that no others who know not the entire truth and might not be able to handle it will hear." *He says evenly*
[Vasily Zaitsev] *Vasily, reached up and put a hand to his chin* "I wish to be as honest as possible with you, Wyrmbreaker-yuf. But some truths aren't easily understood by many. It is why a priest has a confessional booth, not to hide the shame, but to offer the fullest opportunity for the truth to be told."
[Wyrmbreaker] "No," this is as level as Vasily's tone, but absolute. "There's nothing you and I should discuss that I would feel the need to be 'prudent' about, Thunder's Judgment. And if you feel that certain things cannot be said for fear of overhearing, then I don't want to hear it.
"Let a closed door and four walls be enough, Yuf."
[Vasily Zaitsev] "So be it." *There is a shake of his head* "It is my understanding that you are one of the tribe that has been in this region the longest." *He says evenly*
[Wyrmbreaker] "Of the current batch, and not counting the kinfolk."
[Vasily Zaitsev] *The man opens his mouth, closes it, and decides on a different question first* "What does it mean to be a shadowlord to you, wyrmbreaker-yuf?"
[Wyrmbreaker] It's something like a test. Perhaps Vasily expects Wyrmbreaker to bristle now, to puff up and posture.
Instead, the Lord -- who by mortal standards would be a young man, still this side of 25 -- breaks into a faint, quirky smile. His feet are bare; he's in charcoal grey lounge pants and a plain white undershirt. He pushes his palms into the mattress and draws himself back until his back rests against the wall.
"Why do you ask, Judgment? Are you curious, or are you trying to determine my fitness as tribal representative?"
[Vasily Zaitsev] *Vasily smiles, something both interesting and gruesome from his scarring. He was quickly approaching 30 this kinfolk who had changed late, perhaps this is why he spoke and thought as he did. And why some lupus might find him far too homid for their comfort.*
"Both, and more. Wyrmbreaker-yuf. I am philodox, it is my job to test and try to help those find balance if others need it. Especially the brothers and sisters of our tribe.
But I hear in your words... a disgust for our tribe. That somehow you have pulled yourself above the rest of the tribe...and yet, as the longest here... I'm surprised. As to date, all I have heard is the failures of all those of our tribe here. Failure to the tribe and our ancestors, for our tribe is weak and scattered. The kinfolk confused and without focus, the unity that is the core of our strength. The unity that few outside of our tribe realize about is shattered here. And thus our tribe is looked at as a tragic joke....from all that I have heard.
I am curious, because I believe that this caern represents the very essence of what it means to be a shadowlord and we should be strong here. I will tell you what I believe, wyrmbreaker-yuf. Even if it is something I don't share with everyone. I believe there can be no courage, no honor, no glory without sacrifice. It is the core of what the shadowlords should and can be. I might sacrifice anything to help a true leader who deserves such. Honor is not honor, if it doesn't represent the sacrifce of something for it.... our ancestors are so angry at the silver fangs, because our tribe would sacrifice all for them, and they took it without thanks or thought. We might do things, that some tribes believe are unthinkable. Not because we wish it, but because it must be done, and there is no one else.
So Wyrmbreaker-yuf, what does being a shadowlord mean to you?"
[Wyrmbreaker] All I have heard are the failures of the tribe...
Lukas's eyebrow quirks up. "From whom?"
And then he's quiet, attentive; he listens to Vasily. When the scarred Philodox finishes, Wyrmbreaker exhales faintly, tips his head back against the wall, considers the other for a moment.
"Forgive me, Thunder's Judgment." This is the first thing he says. "I misjudged you.
"But you have also misread me if you think I harbor a disgust for our Tribe, or for Grandfather Thunder. What disgusts me is how lost most of our tribe has become. We squabble and bicker and plot and scheme for ... petty things. Power. Material wealth. Leadership of this, ownership of that. I thought you were of that mind; I thought you had come here to plot our ascendancy in this Sept or something of the sort.
"That's why I treated you poorly a moment ago. I owe you an apology for that.
"To me, the Tribe is what it's always been. It's the strength and the courage to do what's necessary. Not always what is glorious, or honorable, or even wise. What is necessary. It's always keeping one eye on the goal, which is victory in this War. It's victory over the Wyrm at all cost."
[Vasily Zaitsev] *Vasily smiles again* "There is nothing to forgive. It is why our tribe must meet more often. Without the sharing of words, we can not learn the truth. it is why I am here. I hear rumor...and must admit, sometimes, I must phrase words in order to test the listener. Reactions to that which is spoken, can reveal more then many might thing.
And your words give me hope.
I am not destined to stand at the summit of the mountain. I am the one that stands in the shadows and whispers to our leaders. It is my burden, my sacrifice. I will never be the face of the tribe. But I can be the calm in the storm that helps our brothers and sisters remember what it means to be shadowlord.
From the tales, from speaking with kin. Your assement is precise, and pitiful. Those here have forgotten...the meaning of sacrifice for the higher purpose. That by helping each other, and being strong as a tribe with one who will lead and keep our focus. But tested by all... that this way, the storm builds and lays waste to those that might try to stand before it. I care not about the temporary, the weaver influence. If we are not strong, then we fail our ancestors, Grandfather Thunder.. Gaia, and most of all ourselves. I will not let this stand, if it costs me my own reputation or life."
[Wyrmbreaker] The tales, and kin. Wyrmbreaker smiles again, the same quirking, wry expression. "From Nessa, you mean? She has a somewhat distorted view of the world, Judgment-yuf.
"As for tales -- the memory of a Galliard is long. The memory of a Sept is somewhat shorter, and none of Thunder's have fucked up terribly in recent history. I wouldn't consider our tribe a stigma. By the same token, I wouldn't consider it an automatic benefit, either.
"I'll be honest, Yuf. Tribe has never been foremost in my priorities. It is who I am -- as much a part of me as my black hair, my strength. But it does not define me any more than my black hair and strong arms do.
"I have always and will always put War first; pack after; Tribe third. I have cared for the interests of the Tribe before Fell Prayer-rhya arrived and after he left, but that is because it was my duty to do so. If you are trying to gather the Tribe and unite it behind one who will always think first of the best interests of the Tribe -- I am not that Garou. All I will do is attempt to keep the focus of the Tribe on the War, where it belongs."
[Vasily Zaitsev] "Not only from Nessa. She is broken, shattered. I have started to put structure around her so like a building in rubble, she can be rebuilt again."
"When the past shows only failure, then each new turn...the vision of failure becomes easier and more expected. We must soon turn our tribe away from it's nosedive...or it will be forever tarnished in this region. I have this concern.
*He pauses before answering again*
"The best interests of the tribe, is what is the best interests of the war. Those who believe otherwise....take the short view and not the long one we are known for. Gaia must be first, the war to save her second. Or we begin to see only enemies, and forget why sacrifice is necessary.
I am trying to gather the tribe, and unite us. To have us help each other and the kinfolk out there. As we are strong...we can help gaia and the war effort more. Behind who.. it will work itself out, I'm sure. It always does.
So wyrmbreaker-yuf, then you are not against this gathering of the storm?"
[Wyrmbreaker] "Don't expend more effort than she's worth. Her own brother couldn't keep her in line. As for the image of the tribe: don't worry so much, Judgment-yuf. If you try too hard, the Sept will see it as ingratiation. We'll do what we must and check our tribemates if they stray. The Sept will see us for who we are."
After the rest, Wyrmbreaker pauses a moment. Then he nods.
"If you gather the Tribe, I'll be there."
[Vasily Zaitsev] *He nods his head* "I see much trial coming to us in the night ahead. The storm will gather, even if it requires losing some of our strength before moving forward.
My thanks, Wyrmbreaker-yuf. It is the first step, or many.
Have you any questions for me?"
[Wyrmbreaker] "Just one." It has nothing to do with politics after all. Lukas looks Vasily in the eye and asks, "What happened to your face?"
[Vasily Zaitsev] *He speaks simply, and evenly... *
"It is how I changed. I was not choosen for many years. In fact, I thought I was destined to be support to the true. I had learned to support our kind with a rifle, my ability earned me the right to mate.
My family was to celebrate the first birthday of my angel. One I never deserved. In the subway system of Moscow...August 31, 2004. A person with ties to the Chechen rebels tried to make a statement by becoming a living bomb in a subway station in Moscow, so said the headlines later."
*He slowly took off his jacket and the shirt underneath.. the burn marks seem to have an epicenter at slightly below his elbow on his left back side...the burn marks spreading up and down and across his back* "All that was my immediate family died, I shifted...was proven to be true, and somehow survived. I should not have. It is a reminder for the sacrifice we might have to make, in order to do Gaia's true work. Those most directly responsible have been hunted down... I have found balance behind it, and it is time to do more and accept my burden of duty"
[Wyrmbreaker] Wyrmbreaker's eyes don't flinch. He watches Vasily as the other removes his jacket and shirt, bares the extent of the scarring. He bears witness.
Sympathy is there in his eyes. No pity, though. He returns his regard to the man's face as he finishes his story.
"Why do you say you shouldn't have survived?" It's a simple question; no ulterior motives. Lukas wants to know the answer -- no more or less. "Is that your guilt speaking, because your family died around you?"
[Vasily Zaitsev] "Because of the intensity of the injuries and their scarring. I was not even a cub. That I survived is more luck then some great power. My father got his greatest wish, my family did not have to grow to suffer the life of this world going mad. There is to be no pity for me or this fate. It is a lesson, the sacrifice we all must be willing to make.
Some would say Gaia had another plan for me... I say it is this burden of survival and why I must live up to. It is what drives me. I will accept whatever shame must happen, to make the tribe and sept stronger for a leader who deserves such and make the war one we might win." *He answers evenly*
[Wyrmbreaker] A silence. Then Lukas offers a piece of his history for the piece Vasily gave him:
"I was Beta of my pack for a very long time. I was a very good Beta; perhaps a better one than I am an Alpha." Pause. Should he have said that? Was that weakness? -- he goes on, "I think we understand each other very well, Thunder's Judgment. I'm glad to have met you."
[Vasily Zaitsev] *Vasily puts back his shirt and jacket, and pulls over his hood once more* "Da, we have an understanding. May the storm cover you, the thunder encourage you, and Gaia bless you. Until next we meet, Wyrmbreaker-yuf."
[Wyrmbreaker] Lukas stands to see the other out. His goodbye is simpler, but heartfelt: "Good hunting, Judgment-yuf."
10 years ago